when can I book flights online at the cheapest?
For short-haul flight tickets are 7 weeks in advance the cheapest. For long is the best time to stretch for a booking 18 weeks before departure – says the platform for cheap flights www.skyscanner.ch.

How do you keep the seat next to mine?
Without a seat neighbouring eliminates the need for the small talk, and you have more space. Book as a Couple in a three-row aisle and window. The center is a little sought after and remains with a bit of luck, empty.

I suffer from a fear of flying. What to do?
There are fear of flying seminars where you can learn, his phobia to reduce. Some passengers feel safer, if you can share your Fears even before you Enter, a member of the Crew. If you fly with Virgin Australia, you can specify from 2019, already at the time of booking, if he suffers from fear of flying, and gets on the flight with a special care.

The risk to be in life is ever on a flight, the accident, is very small.

Why do I have to turn off the cell phone during the flight?
thanks to modern technology, it is unlikely that a cell phone interferes with the radio signals, but not entirely ruled out. In the extreme case, noise could cause the can’t understand the Pilot of the important radio signals properly, which could have serious consequences.

How high is the risk of a Crash?
The risk to be in life is ever on a flight, the accident is vanishingly small and is, according to OAG Aviation and Plane Crash Info 1:10 million. This was determined on the basis of the data of the 39 leading airlines in the world. This means that If you climb every day in a plane, you are affected on average every 27’000 years of a crash.

to eat the Pilot and Co-Pilot actually different menus?
In fact, the pilots get on many Airlines, different menus are served. So the airlines are trying to prevent a possible food poisoning will be the same both pilots.

this menu is for the pilot or Co-pilot? Photo:

What is the dirtiest place in the plane?
no, not the toilet. It the folding tables, as shown in a study of U.S. micro-biologists has shown on behalf of the travel website Travelmath.com . The researchers collected 26 samples from four aircraft and found on the tables 2155 bacteria colonies! The are seven times more than the button of the toilet flushing in the airplane toilet.

Why is it in the plane so cold?
Many passengers freeze during the flight and therefore take Jackets and scarves on the trip. A study by the American Society for Testing and Materials revealed that passengers aboard an aircraft is more often unconscious than on the ground. Reason for this is mainly the lack of oxygen in the air. But also an overheated cabin to ensure that passengers are unconscious. Therefore, the temperature is kept rather low. Newer planes have in each row of seats have a thermostat control, to be able to set the temperature individually for a change.

you get drunk on the plane faster?
That has investigated the U.S. aviation Agency FAA in 1970. The result: the blood alcohol the amount has no influence. However, the low oxygen content may increase in the plane of the typical intoxication symptoms such as dizziness. And then some people drink more than usual – against the fear of flying or the anticipation of the holidays. Dealing with Drunks is different. In General, the cabin staff denied serving further alcohol. A passenger is abusive or even violent, he can be at the destination it is handed over to the police.

Who smokes on the toilet, flies out at the next Stop.

How to deal with unfriendly guests?
Limited space require a special Behaviour. Who push, jerk adjusted like the seat back, in his seat, wide-power, or the cabin crew are treated in an unfriendly manner, certainly not popular. But they violated safety rules, so, for example, on the toilet Smoking, threatens to get thrown out at the next Stop.

Why do you get on the plane flatulence?
“Boeing Belly” is called the flatulence also can afflict during a flight. This is especially if you consume carbonated drinks. Blame it on the pressure conditions in the air.

May I clap after landing?
For frequent flyers is an absolute No-go. But maybe the pilot or the Pilot is happy Yes, after a windy landing.

(the Swiss family)

Created: 29.11.2018, 16:18 PM