This year sporthjälte+ FÖLJSvenska Heroes & Sportbladet praise the eldsjälarSPORTBLADET

Now institutes the Swedish Heroes along with Sportbladet a new award – the Year’s Sporthjälte.
the Sport’s world is filled with enthusiasts who give all of their time to help others find joy and success in sport.
All the forces for good we want to celebrate!

Now is the Swedish Heroes along with Sportbladet headlamp is against them that do a great job. Materialare, trainer, non-profit organizations and individuals who are passionate about lifting others.

– I remember I was on the first Swedish Heroes gala and it really was a cool experience, an emotional storm. It is about time that we get with a sport category and an honor for us at Sportbladet to operate it. We monitor the athletes constantly, but as everyone knows, there are so many heroes in the background that makes that everything works out in the end and that we get new stars, ” says Sportbladets director Pontus Carlgren.