Turteatern+ FÖLJDet is nothing good to say about this haveriCecilia Djurberg has unfortunately seen two episodes of Turteaterns the Vikings at Helgeland Photo: Turteatern”the Vikings at Helgeland” is played in the twelve section at Turteatern in Kärrtorp, Stockholm. THEATRE

An old unwritten rule for had is that when a set is so bad that there is not something nice at all to say about it, so you choose not to write any review. I shall now make an exception.

For if the most negative reviews are never written and the overall teaterkritiken consists of halvljumna texts and tributes, as politely acknowledge the theatre’s existence, critics easily appear as ambassadors for the art form. The risk is imminent that kulturjournalistiken ”honk in the same pr-powered vuvuzela”, which Christopher Anderson puts it in the ongoing kritikdebatten (Aftonbladet 28 nov).

So we can’t have it.

Which leads me to what I would actually write about here, but was considering not to do.

Turteatern is now is so established that it no longer can be treated as ”struggling theater group”. When their new artistic director, Marie Nikazm Bakken sets up Henrik ibsen’s romantic mansfantasy Hærmændene paa Helgeland from 1858, here referred to as the Vikings of Helgeland, by a series of twelve sections on the morske men and feuds, have förhandshajpen been palpable.

Pr-work was so successful that the DN’s teaterredaktör Johan Hilton is already in september, listed it as one of ten shows to look forward to in the fall. He copy/pastade to säljpitchen that promises ”to the grande finale on new year’s eve”. After seeing this unbearable internskämt, I can’t imagine any worse way to celebrate the new year.

” It has been difficult for äckelteater – wretch, kiss, poop and blodsplatter – get at least a provocation home. As a hardened critic, I only provoked that they tried to apply makeup over its shallow, the artistic idea with blaffig costume, sticky mask, dialektbuskis, hack improklyschor and metaironisk amatörteaterscenografi.

neither innovative, bold or fun but is only like a antiintellektuell operation with the own art form. And with the audience who appreciate fantasyserier.

”as well it is difficult to be a man, but even worse to be a woman”, the harp ensemble in its long-winded, studentspexiga sångintro. Upprepningsestetiken is consistently and emerge as a stopgap measure when neither the stuff or the analysis been sufficient to fill the planned series.

With the hope to spot some intelligent idea, and to take my kritikeruppdrag seriously, I go back and see part two despite the fact that the first section discourage. I would not have done.

CECILIA DJURBERGARTIKELN IS OMTurteatern+ FÖLJHenrik Ibsen+ FÖLJTeater+ FÖLJScenrecensioner+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅ23 October TEATERGenialt timed Strindberg29 October TEATERTomt narrspel19 October TEATERTragiskt asyldrama2 november TEATERBergmans worst roll28 november TEATERPratig therapy in pyttestorlek