Since my first trip to Israel in 2010, I have been there three times – the one time I traveled alone, as I very quickly got friends down there, who I still have contact with. Israelis in Tel Aviv is booked as the danes, and it will say that they are not overbearing, however, they are more open.

When you look around, you will see that their appearance and cup character of a mix of cultures and ethnicity. I met several who had parents with roots in Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq.

I must be honest and say that I don’t think I have seen so many beautiful women in so little space – very fascinating to observe. You don’t think that they have stood with their long, thick, perfect hair and green dådyrøjne on the Gaza strip with a machine gun. But it has the, for women have militærpligt in Israel. Take a quick look at Instagram-since the Girls Defense and see for yourself.

Tel Aviv was among other things arranged to have pictures taken for my latest book. The pictures were taken in the Old Jaffa, which is Tel Aviv’s old town, when I saw for myself, how it could be difficult to find good weather and colorful backgrounds in autumn-Denmark.

There is indeed bang on the colors from both the spices and juiceboder combined with a warm sand color on many of the buildings. You will be greeted with an explosion of colors from both buildings and the interior, but also from the food and cocktails!

There are plenty of luxury in Tel Aviv, but it is set up perfectly against the imperfect, and the city experienced very authentic. You may think that you are moving in a kønsløst area, and suddenly you stand in a town with a very special vibe. In Tel Aviv are always plenty of exciting visual surprises.
the Colors of the city are amazing – both the food, the buildings and all the other feature is overwhelming and brings the good mood back. Photo: Thomas Joy
even Though I do not is to the beach and bathing, so I put the price in good weather, especially because I like to walk or cycle around instead of driving. And so is Tel Aviv perfect! You can go from the city to the ancient city of Old Jaffa, either through the industrial area, through a nice, old and charming town or along the beach. One must also not go far to find good cafés, bars and restaurants, since they are located on approximately each street corner.

In Tel Aviv, you can eat out. I think I know why. We had rented an apartment on Hayarkon Street, which is a nice locally and in parallel with the water. Here we could cook for themselves, but gave up quickly, because the food in the supermarkets was so expensive that it could not pay. An ordinary 700 grams package of muesli costs 40 to 50 dollars.

For the same price I could get a good falafel with pita bread hummus and salad in a café. And don’t worry, there are also plenty of delicious food to you, not to exotic dishes. It is no shame to eat out in Tel Aviv, there is food everywhere, there are cozy spisekroge and coffee shops, where you can mingle with the locals both day and night and you are starving not it is safe. the
I eat vegan and like five-six times a day, and I got lots of delicious food. Here falafels with pita bread and salad. Photo: Kira Eggers
my been away, we have walked to most places, but even I can get tired in the feet and put the price on a drive, and here is a taxi the preferred, even though the bus also is easy.

There is just a small but. We experienced several times that the taxi drivers tried to cut corners with us. We know well the way home from Old Jaffa; nevertheless, should we just run a bigger detour. Protesting man, they småsure. Therefore it is a good idea to expectation-matching with the taxi driver before departure.

for shopping, there are plenty of options. There are both unique boutiques and large shopping centres. Several of the malls have metal detectors due to the terror, but it didn’t seem to deter people. Nor does the us.

A shop-area, I especially was excited for, was in the Neve Tzedek-area, close to Old Jaffa. It is a town that is reminiscent of a small european town with small, nice restaurants, cosy, car-free streets, small specialty shops with everything from delicacies to clothes and jewelry. A glass of wine and a good dinner right here is drømmescenariet! We found the district a little late, eventually we were off, my girlfriend and me. the
Food in Tel Aviv is inviting and delicious, and whether you are for the healthy and green, to the exotic, or for the more traditional, there are plenty to choose from. Photo: Thomas Joy
I had taken control over our map, but unfortunately, I was come to turn it wrong. Several times he asked me if it was the right way, and my answer was: ’Yes, of course it was, I know like the city!’.

He is policeman, and his efterforskningsgen let himself not be fooled; after some time he took the card from me and was a little tired when he saw I had led us in the exact opposite direction for over an hour. After I was scolded, I also got to know that the job was taken from me. Well, well! We took the bus back just to try it, and it worked actually quite fine! the
evenings are cosy and nice to be in the city, where you always feel at ease. Photo: Kira Eggers
feel safe to wander the streets skinny in Tel Aviv. One senses not a crime at all. Everyone goes out to a very late hour, and the city of summer on the evening of the city life and family life – not a party, but just people sitting out and enjoying the heating aftenener, go tours or from a to z.

you Will to brand a little of the local atmosphere, you can easily find the flea markets and food markets. Among other things, the Carmel Market with fruit and knick-knacks in all sorts of guises. It is a kind of Farmers Market, as one sees in many cities.

One of the things I find charming about the town is that dogs and cats are welcome at most of the cafes. Not that people take their cats with, but they are taking them to itself and makes sure that they get food and water. It is allowed to have her best friend at the table or in the supermarkets. For an animal lover like me, it seems quite in its place. I enjoy the kind of spaciousness.

that can go a long time, before I turn the nose back towards Tel Aviv, and then I see and experience Jerusalem. You will be in a good mood of Tel Aviv. The weather, the people and the surroundings are the perfect combination for a budget-friendly vacation not far from Denmark.


Three good advice

In some neighbourhoods there is a bit hippestemning over the place, but the coziness and the relaxed style provides a fertile ground for a casual day. Photo: Kira Eggers
1. Get your stamp at the security point on a piece of paper, if you have plans to travel to the arab countries. For example, you can’t get into Dubai with an israeli stamp in your passport.

If you want to stay centrally, you must keep yourself to the areas near Ben Yehuda Street and down towards the beach. The street goes from the marina almost entirely to the Old Jaffa, and is located in parallel with the other streets, also full of life and modern communities.

With the Norwegians lavpriskalender you can get round-trip without luggage for as little as 1500-1700 dollars out of season.


A day without electricity

you will be Staying at the hotel in Tel Aviv from Friday to Saturday, you will find that there are turned off the electricity. Only one elevator works, and the food is perhaps minimal. From Friday evening to Saturday evening is the ’shabbat’! It means that the jews do not make a whistling fis. Instead, in the synagogue and receive light from the candles at home – that is, zero electricity, if one is to be truly faithful to his religion.

Are you in Jerusalem, stops buses and trains are also running, and several shopper are closed. You can take a sherut (fællestaxa) or a regular taxi, but otherwise is it to the pin or on the bike.

Why is Tel Aviv a great day

There is good weather – also in the month of October, where there is plenty of sun and strandbadning.It is not far from Denmark – the flight takes about 4.5 hours.Airline tickets can be obtained quite cheap.The food is nothing less than fantastic and very varied.