More than 468 million. kg of grapes were harvested in the Rioja in the year. It is more than 30% more than in 2017. It is new høsttal from the Consejo Regulador DOCa Rioja. The big harvest is the largest harvest in more than 10 years and means that the pressure to have volumes enough to become somewhat less in the popular Spanish wine region.

the Last major harvest, to go back to 2000 to find where to harvest 490 million. kg. The quality is judged to be very good and a very classic year in Rioja. However, it has been a little cooler and the alcohol content will therefore be closer to 13% than the 13,5-14% to the later years have achieved. The wines will be more elegant and fresh in style. The year started otherwise critical with a very wet spring, but a warm and dry summer saved the vintage.