Djurhjälten+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVBärgar-Berra: Looking forward to more restaurants should open for hundarSVENSKA HEROES

Day-Berra likes to go on the pub – but bästisen Signe is released is often not recorded.

Thanks to Hoa-Hoa Dahlgren, they can now get beer and food at the local.

” If not Signe will get so I won’t either, says Land-Berra.

It is a dark novemberkväll and drizzle. John ”Get-Berra” Silwing light up Bondegatan in Stockholm when he come driving in their reflexstripade the tow truck.

He fickparkerar with ease its a big vehicle and jumps out. In his arms he holds her schnauzer Signe.

– People usually say that we look alike, I and Signe. They ask if we have the same hairdresser, ” he says, referring to his large moustache and the dog’s hairy coat.

As the name suggests if the working Day-Berra, as a salvor. He has done so in 38 years. But something that is new, is that he in recent times started with Signe on the job.

– When I get to the casualty site as well as meet shocked the people, the dog has a calming effect, ” he says.

Photo: Jonas Sylvén-MöllerLennart ”Hoa-Hoa” Dahlgren, John ”Get-Berra” Silwing and the dog Signe. Take your dog to the pub

Both Land-Berra and Signe are hungry after a hard day of work on the roads. The walk up along the street and slips into the hundrestaurangen ”Loki’s Bar”.

Where they are received by the former weightlifter Lennart ”Hoa-Hoa” Dahlgren, who has run the place for eight years. Lennart makes immediately makes it clear that he soon had to go, because he is going to a party for a friend who released a book about the 80s.

– We are one of the few places where you are allowed to bring the dog in. We offer the plaster of pork tenderloin, beef tenderloin and loin of pork to the dogs, ” he says.

Lennarts words are like sweet music in the Land-berra’s ears. He has as a requirement to bring the dog if he should go on local and refuses to leave Her alone for more than four hours.

– you Take a beer at the pub and meet someone nice to talk with, it may take more than four hours. I would like more restaurants to welcome dogs, ” says Land-Berra and continues:

– I usually say it, if not She will get so I won’t either.

the Hoa-Hoa has always loved dogs

the Walls inside the restaurant are covered in paintings with dogs. In the loudspeakers played country music and at the bar stands a woman with a walker and drink beer.

Day-Berra, Signe and Lennart settles down at one of the tables. Before the conversation strays into talk about dogs looking weightlifter at the clock and says that he must go about half an hour.

– I have always loved dogs. They are loyal and work as the ice-breaker, ” says Lennart.

He believes that, in most restaurants in Sweden don’t talk to the guests with each other between the tables. But the product is there, ”just like in France”, much of at his place.

Lennart explains that it usually start with a guest asks another about the dog, and then they talk throughout the evening.

– I used to go with my dog in Vitabergsparken and talk with dog owners. If I had slipped up and done the same thing without the dog they had well called the cops, ” he says.

Day-Berra fill in:

– I bought a dog for my first salary when I started working in the 70’s. It cost 50 bucks. Mom got to inherit it when I moved away from home.

”don’t Forget synservon”

Lennart and Reap-Berra continues to talk hundminnen and convince their warm feelings about the four-legged buddies. Signe get a piece of food and then it’s time for Lennart to go.

– don’t Forget synservon just, joking that Day-Berra and tap Lennarts glasses on the table.

Left sitting Signe and Reap-Berra. Both are satiated, satisfied and happy with their evening.

– I think this is great. I look forward to more restaurants should open for dogs, ” says Land-Berra.

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