Since he was very small, and his parents decided that he should learn it early on, Daniel Johannesen swum in many years on the eliteplan in svømmeklubben in his hometown of Horsens.

Now is swimming well on the way to be the 18-year-old horsensianers livelihood in a slightly unconventional way. A day after a workout in the svømmeklubben, the conversation among Daniel Johannesen and swim-mates on, that there was a website where one could only buy svømmeudstyr.

And then there was not much action for the young østjyde. After nearly a year of preparation in the room down in the parents ‘ basement, launched the Daniel Johannesen 1. October 2016 its webshop

Half of the 200,000 crowns, which he invested in his ambitious project, was money he had saved up from his first communion and from work – the other half he borrowed from his father. Since then it has gone lynstærkt for the teenager, who is already out from its turnover, which Ekstra Bladet has gained an insight into, dare to believe, that he, in the course of 2017 rounds his first million.

I have always worked hard to achieve my goals, whether it was in school after the high school grades, or in my business. It has always been natural for me to put more hours in my goals and dreams than many others can or are willing to. Therefore, the surprise to my success to me not true, says Daniel Johannesen, who, with his rapid success has been shortlisted for the enterprise awards 2017 in the category of ‘Young Stars’. A price, as Daniel Johannesen hope very much to be able to take home in his office, which is still in the parents ‘ basement in his hometown, where he also is trying to find enough hours in the day to fit the last years of his education at the HHX.

My mother had one requirement, that I absolutely had to start, and it was that I had to complete my secondary education, regardless of how it went with the business, says Daniel Johannesen, and admits that he himself probably would have dropped out of the training. He can at least not deny, that several of the math and tysktimerne will be spent on answering emails.

Daniel Johannesens goal now is to become the biggest in the area for svømmeudstyr about two years.

– My goals and dreams are big, and this I do not hide. I will be the best and greatest, and that I am without a doubt also. The question is just how fast it happens, says Daniel Johannesen, who shares his three best advice to other entrepreneurs at the bottom of this article.

Meet the 24-year-old Michael, who got enough of the expensive razor blades. Therefore, he took up the fight against Gillette.