the PARK (Ekstra Bladet): FC Copenhagen is quite as the expected return on the unique in scandinavia because the first place.

After the Danish champions from FC Midtjylland had borrowed it for a couple of days, tilbageerobrede FCK duksepladsen via a 3-0 victory over Esbjerg in the Park.

A highly energetic, Dame N’Doye brought early copenhageners in front, and the League’s top scorer Robert Forest expanded the lead with two straffesparksscoringer.

Both the penalty was also forced by N’Doye, Esbjerg rear never got the hang of.

FC Copenhagen had from the start set on showdown, and after less than four minutes of play came the first big cheer went up in the Park.

At the rear bead popped, Dame N’Doye, like so many times before up and headede FCK in the front.

the Prelude was a little vestjysk adventsgave in the form of poor pass from the goalkeeper Jeppe Højbjerg. It was promptly punished, when N’Doye safely utilized Peter Ankersens fine post.

Dame N’Doye thought that he after 17 minutes of play had made it 2-0, when he set foot on the Ján Gregus unscrewed the posts.

the Ball ended in the net, the senegalese striker cheered, but the flag of linjedommeren was up.

It was a delicate offside, but showed enough in order, although I am the audience were whistling fiercely, as it was shown on the big screen.

FCK-jubilation after the fall. Photos: Jens Dresling/Polfoto

A bunch of Esbjerg-fans – at least 25-30 pieces – had turned up in nationalarenaen in full julemandsmundering, but there were no gifts to oprykkeren in the air.

For their all had it very hard, and the traffic was in 1. half largely one-way against Jeppe Højbjergs goals.

Esbjerg-keeper was close to being passed after a half an hour, when the burning hot Robert Woods sent one of his frisparksprojektiler of the place, but with a classy a håndsparade did. barely.

He had also in action on the subsequent corner kick, as the N’Doye was not far from get directed at the goal.

the FCK pushed for an early decision and got the cards before the break.

Dame N’Doye headede free himself, and was subsequently requested by Jeppe Højbjerg in the field.

I am the attacker looked like one who sought the contact with Højbjergs hands, but the judge, Jens and go to sleep pointed to the penalty spot, and the League’s top scorer Robert Forest was the even.

With its 14. sæsonscoring he sent IN to the break with a 2-0 lead.

It seemed as if 2. half time should just get over with for both teams. Stale Solbakkens crew went down one gear, and Esbjerg was a little better.

Vestjydernes lacked speed in the defense was again on display, as Dame N’Doye ten minutes into the half-time of easy running from Rodolph Austin.

The former Brøndby-player resigning with difficulty FCK striker on the edge of the field. Judge If believed, that the offence was committed in the højkriminelle area, and so had Robert Woods on the new chance from the penalty spot.

This time guessed Jeppe Højbjerg true, but kicked was then further placed, that he did not reach out to it.

Esbjerg was close to a reduction after one hour of play, but Matthias Kristensen had to see his excellent long-range shot bounce off the post.

It was also the last, as they 11.193 spectators as to Esbjerg this Sunday afternoon.

FC Copenhagen had chances for more goals, but live undoubtedly with a 3-0 in the last League match in the Park.

the victory means that they now again are three points ahead of FC Midtjylland.

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