The game on the power+ FÖLJStefan Löfven comments Annie Lööf nobb”this process needs to go further in other ways”SOCIETY

After tough negotiations in several days – this morning, Stefan Löfven (S) know that the Centre party says no to him as prime minister.

But he does not want to close the door on further talks with the C and the L.

– I Take back all compromises, it will be either christmas or påskledighet for any of us, ” he says.

Centre party leader Annie Lööf has announced that her party will vote ‘ no ‘ to Stefan Löfven (S) in a vote in parliament.

This is because C believes that the social democrats have not been open enough to the liberal proposal, while at the same time believe that Löfven let the Left influence policy too much.

Been ready to compromise on sensitive issues

Stefan Löfven does not agree fully with the image that Loof has given, he points out that S has shown a willingness to compromise.

One of the areas in which Stefan Löfven believes that the S made big concessions in the negotiations are all about värnskatten, where especially the Liberals, have called for major changes.

Also at the residential area has been compromised, says Löfven.

Even the current labour law has been to fold, but with due respect for the work that is going on between the parties, for example, labour – market and residential area.

He also argues that the V has not had any influence over the negotiations and that the V leader Jonas Sjöstedt, ”would not have been happy” with many of the outcome of the negotiations.

– Shall we be able to stand for the policies, we need to be able to say “this is a compromise” that respects all sides ‘wishes,” he says.

beats Video: fixed to have ”full respect” for the C’s decisions, which are taken in a democratic spirit.

Alerts for SD-influence

Stefan Löfven lifts a warning finger as to what can happen now, if the parties in the middle do not manage to agree.

– the Option to find a compromise in the middle are likely to give The sweden democrats decisive political influence. I have been given a Loof and Bjorklund that they have been clear that they do not want to.

If the president Andreas Norlén is insisting that the parliamentary members will get to vote on whether the S-leader as prime minister, despite today’s announcement, Löfven ready to go to the house.

– If the president says ”I we want you to vote” then I accept it, but then I have to take a position to which the government constellation I go to the house with.

”Borders we can’t pass”

the News that the Centre party will vote ‘ no ‘in statsministeromröstningen got Stefan Löfven in the morning,” he says. S-leader mean to his party in spite of this, remains ready to work for Sweden to get an energetic government.

– In policy included polemics and argumentation. My focus is that Sweden will have a government. We need to discuss a solution that as many people as possible can accept. It is a difficult situation, but I intend to contribute everything I can to Sweden to get a government.

Where are also included to keep the compromises as S, C, L and MP have agreed on in the government negotiations that now have been rejected by the C.

– If the process to move forward, I can’t say that I take back all compromises, it will be either christmas or påskledighet but we have borders that we are not ready to pass, ” says Löfven.

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1 of 29 | Photo: Lotte FernvallStefan Löfven (s)