Showbiz In 1969, America was under the spell of Ted Kennedy’s car accident. The favorite for the White House was a bridge, drove, and had himself out of his car to be freed, but one, Mary Jo Kopechne remained in the water behind. Why did the senator from the accident until ten hours later? Or was it a political murder plot?

After the assassinations of his brothers, president John F. Kennedy and presidential candidate, Bobby, was Edward, or “Ted”, the slain crown prince of the Kennedy dynasty. The 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne on a sultry summer night in 1969 in his car was killed in a lake on Chappaquiddick, an island in Massachusetts. Only when her body was discovered, reported Ted Kennedy to the police that he and Kopechne as a passenger of a bridge was driven, but why he had ten hours to wait with that declaration? Chappaquiddick grew into a scandal which still question marks hanging, but one thing is for sure: after the shadowy death of Mary Jo Kopechne, should Kennedy, his presidential ambitions forever store. Put archrival, president Nixon made his popular opponent with Chappaquiddick checkmate and was Kennedy the victim of a sinister conspiracy? Were Ted and Mary Jo on a banal lovemaking caught and drove them in panic into the water? Or was the senator not even behind the wheel, and it was not until the next morning informed?


On July 18, 1969 mourns Ted, the 37-year-old senator for the state of Massachusetts, to Bobby Kennedy, who a year earlier, in cold blood is shot to death during his throw back to the White House. Five years previously, was their older brother, the beloved president JFK, was assassinated. That evening found the ‘curse of the Kennedy’s’ Ted. The senator can also enjoy the famous Kennedy-charisma and of him it is assumed that he is the democrat will be president Richard Nixon defeats. Ted has booked a hotel in Edgartown, a small town by a narrow wavelength in the Atlantic Ocean is separated from Chappaquiddick, the small island where he that night in a secluded cottage plays host to a barbecue and party for a select twaalfkoppig company. The six invited young ladies to his so-called Boiler Room Girls, ” it’s dreadfully intelligent, politically cunning and smart girls, who have a summer full of passion have been committed for Bobby’s presidential campaign. Over the past year have more reunions held to be murder to handle, bring up memories, and focus on Ones ambitions. One of those Boiler Room Girls, Mary Jo Kopechne. Around a quarter past eleven in the evening Ted and Mary Jo say that both tired and they want their respective hotels in Edgartown search. Because the ferry service between the town and Chappaquiddick at midnight ceases, ask Mary Jo or Ted her a lift to the wharf in his black Oldsmobile.

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