– It is not only of own interest, I have made borgerforslaget.

– Lots of ordinary people are hit on the economy due to the mutual dependency. Bla old-age pensioners, who can sit even harder in it.

And because no one else – besides the married benefit claimants – are affected in the same way.

in the dawn of time, met my husband went, none of us down in income. So why now, when I’m sick? the

You don’t think that people are married with a working
How to write Ulla C to the nation!-section 1849, on the proposal she has just gotten on the Parliamentary borgerforslags-page. And in just three days, more than 5900 other danes raised their nemID forward and supported the proposal that – if it reaches 50,000 to support within 15.december – should be debated in the Parliament.

– You talk so much about the old-age dependency ratio, but you don’t think of that many people on the disability pension or the state pension are married or cohabiting with someone who is still on the labour market, in spite of their age.

– And who might want to be a few years in the workplace, if the mutual benefits were not a hindrance.

– this companies problems obtaining labor also decreases.

Denmark is a rich country and we can afford to ensure that sick and elderly citizens are treated in a decent manner, regardless of who we are, writes Ulla, who states that a marriage consists of two self-employed people, who should be independent of each other’s economy.

– Especially when you are a pensioner and can’t do anything to change its economy.

– For no other services, there are two benefits of how to live, and two that work, are not drawn, when they move together, continues Ulla, who has made this calculation so you can see how the gensidigei dependants hits her: :

1. Pension single: 18.642 kr mdr
2. The Pension for the cohabiting/married 15.846
3. Provides a beskærelse at 2802
4. In addition, I cut with 2000 because of the husband’s salary.
5. I.e. I have an output of approximately gross 13.846.
6. I had lived for myself was the performance of 18.642 – a difference of nearly $ 5,000.

You can – if you also believe that Parliament must debate the topic – support Ullas suggestions here. Remember to have your NemId ready.