a month ago could Ekstra Bladet describe how fødevarekontrollen intervene against the marketing of the much-discussed Fitness of Eggs from Danæg.

the Eggs in the outlandish, the pink packaging was, despite the name not at all healthier than other eggs.

They were just – admitted producer – an attempt to make money on the danes, who goes to the gym, crossfit and so on.

See also: Meny remove this reviled bogus-food

– Fitness Eggs is a big scam. Cheating and pure bullshit – a plat markedsføringsstunt, said Henrik Pigeons, cand.scient. in human physiology and chemistry.

the Criticism was the Meny to remove the eggs from the refrigerators, and the same online supermarket Nemlig.com done. Nemlig.com provide to Extra Bladet, Danæg no longer offers the product.

As the Fitness Egg negotiating no longer, and the product page for the ova has also been removed from the Danægs website.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get answers from Danægs sales and marketing director, Mette Due Andersen, and from the quality manager Lars H. Thomsen, but they are not answering our messages.

Read the inspection report from the Fda here.