Aarhus University’s first satellite Delphini-1 is Wednesday night posted in the room and up to the european space station, ISS, from which it will be sent out in its own orbit from the ISS in January.

the Launch was closely followed at the Aarhus University, which, in today’s occasion was the open house from 18: 00.

‘Delphini-1 is a “proof-of-concept” project, where the main objective is to learn how to handle and assemble satellitdele, and to test and work with a scientific satellite’, writes Aarhus University on their website.

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There is talk about a so-called Cubesats, which were sent up, which is a nanosatellit, it is quite small and measures 10 centimeters on all looking and weighs about a kilo.

– We would like to build more satellites for scientific purposes, but first we must learn how to handle these projects, ” says Victoria Antoci, who is the project manager at Delphini-1, to DR.