the Indictment was submitted on Monday by the serious fraud office against Kindberg and two other people.

the serious fraud office has then in the spring examined the three for a suspicion that the via fake invoices has brought over 10.8 million, primarily from the municipal company Östersundshem to, among other things fotbollsföreningen a non-profit organization.

A company owned by a non-profit organization has according to the prosecutor sent the invoices for work never carried out, in order to move over the money.

Kindberg suspected of aggravated breach of trust in the two cases, aiding and abetting the gross breach of trust and serious accounting fraud and aiding and abetting the gross accounting fraud in four cases.

notify on their website that Kindberg will not comment on the matter, except in a brief statement:

– I assume that I will be acquitted and the appeal to the media that you should show the same respektfullhet as ye have hitherto done to my near and dear ones. In general, I have no comments.

Kindberg has had to leave his post as ceo in Östersundshem, and has taken time out from the work of the board in a non-profit organization. But he has also had an active role in the association’s spelaraffärer during the he said so once.

Kindbergs role within the association, ” says Niclas Lidström.

” He does not sit on board meetings, but he is and the work of the association in the different questions and give his view on things where we need help, and so he will continue with in the future.

Kindberg, who took over as chairman in a non-profit organization in 2010 and since then, the club has had major successes with games in the Europa League.

The other two defendants are a business associate to Kindberg who is being prosecuted for gross breach of trust, gross accounting fraud and serious tax evasion, and an employee at Peab, who is being prosecuted for gross breach of trust and aiding and abetting the gross breach of trust.