Dieting is not successful just firmly grip taking, tell Mediuutiset.In the video chief physician Kirsi Pietiläinen mentioned a new drug to treat obesity.

Obesity is often chronic and difficult to treat condition.

Thus, concludes Hus obesity unit chief Kirsi Pietiläinen mediuutisten it.

Pietiläinen says we’re gradually getting away from the idea that obesity suffer should just take himself enough to firmly grip.

Weight loss can be compared to learning a language.

About the fact that your brain learn new ways of working, which requires a lot of repetition, and perseverance, dietician Anette Palssa said Mediuutisissa.

Palssa working with Hus, which is an online weight management remedy weight management house.

Hus weight control of the house of ideology based on the approval and omistautumis therapy, which seeks to eliminate the negative thinking of oneself and to support the healthy self-esteem.

In the weight with the fighting is put to ponder and ask how he wants to live.

the weight control of the house to find a health slimming coaching, where you can get a doctor’s referral from all over Finland.

If the day is a lunch left to eat in the evening hunger can be difficult to evict. MOSTPHOTOS

weight management house is currently about 1,500 customers. They have Palssa, seen in three typical groups.

1. Busy devourer

daily life is very load and unplanned.

Very often food-it time you. Then when you eat, you eat too much. This happens particularly easily in the evening after a busy day.

2. Emotional eaters

in Particular, negative emotion makes you eat too much. Such a feeling can be a fear of failure.

a Negative emotion can be undifferentiated feeling bad or feeling that is boring.

People may think he was feeling eater, but he eats only too rarely, or unilaterally.

3. Pounds of kerryttäjä

You have the weight accumulated on the sly, little by little for years.

you’ve been dieting maybe many times, but the weight is always shinny the same again and also over it.

Because the weight is accumulated over the years, weight loss one’s good happen slowly.