TeknikTio way to avoid the skräpmejlenTEKNIK

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Feels it again? Unsolicited email, known as spam, from companies and organisations is increasing progressively in extent, and the advertising is liable to take over your e-mailbox.

But there are ways to overcome skräpmejlen. Here are the ten best tips.

the Problem of spam is becoming increasingly more serious. This year, only the united states 68,9 billion spam, according to research firm Emarketer. Exactly how much spam that pops up in the mailboxes, no one knows, but with increased e-postanvändande also increases spamskörden.

A majority of skräpmejlen comes from the united states. In February, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the FTC, and promised to crack down on spammers. But the result is delayed.

Cheap for spammers

the Problem is that spam is a cheap way for companies to quickly reach out to many people. Thousands of addresses are sold on cds in the USA for a pittance. Because the internet is international, it is difficult to access the problem with the help of the law.

the people behind The campaign are also typically difficult to trace.

But there are steps you can take to reduce both the risk of being “spammed” and to filter away the unwanted e-mail from your usual e-mail once it will.

Here are ten tips to facilitate your e-postliv.

1. If possible, filter out spam e-mails already in the server. A function named “reverse lookup” to verify that avsändarservern is what it purports to be. Otherwise it does not release the e-mails through. In this way, also the sender a message that the address does not work, which hopefully allows you to be removed from the mailing list.

2. Set the requirement on your isp so that they set up their email servers to not relay mail that comes from outside, so-called relay mail. This feature is exploited by spammers who can then hide their identity and use another company’s addresses to send from.

3. make it a habit to just leave your “real” e-mail address to people you trust. Never use it when you

● Register on the public website

● Put out an e-mail address on a website

● Registering a domain (though you’ll have to use the one you are reading)

● e-mail contact with people or companies you do not know well

● Post post in public forums, webbchattar and newsgroups

4. Obtain a special e-mail address to use online, for example, when network services require registration with a valid e-mail address, or if you want visitors to be able to email you from your website.

There are a number of sites online where you can get a free e-mail address. Some examples:





the Passage

5. Filter the e-mails. In most e-mail programs you can create a filter that immediately sends unsolicited e-mail in the trash. Filter for example to remove email that contains the three dollar signs ($$$) and subject lines that start with ADV. If you often get spam from the same sender, you can filter out all mails that come from there.

Here is an example of how you create filters in your e-mail program Outlook

6. Report spammers. Forward the email to [email protected] and the domain that the email came from. You can also forward the american spam to the FTC. The address is [email protected]

SpamCop is called a service where you can report spammers.

another such service is the Spammotel. Where can you register the address you use to subscribe to mailing lists. Then, when you get spam to that address, they can track where the spammer has got it.

7. Turn off the features such as Active X and the like in the mejlklienten that makes mejlvirus can spread. Often spread viruses by e-mail ahead with your address as the sender, which makes you lose control over where your e-mail is.

8. be careful not to join mailing lists with your personal address. Open mailing lists are intercepted often by people and programs that harvest addresses that are later used by the spamprogram.

9. If you are using Hotmail, you can set the security level to High, then filtered much of that spam away at once. You can also block senders directly – it can fit 250 addresses in Hotmail spärrfil.


never Reply to spam. It only confirms to the spammer that your address works, and the risk is that you get even more spam, even if you have clicked on a link that says that you should be removed from the mailing list.

Lotta Holmström