Singles day+ FÖLJBästa tips: So you can bargain shop most of the Singles DayRea-feast Singles Day is growing – challenge Black FridayFoto: Claudio Bresciani/TT/NYHETSBYRÅNSå maxar you bargains on Singles Day in 2018.LOVELY FLAT

The 11 november falls on Singles Day – shoppinghögtiden which is actually bigger than Black Friday.
how do you prepare yourself for the day that is growing in Sweden.

The 11 november is known internationally as Singles Day, because of their many ones – 11/11. In addition to pay tribute to all those who live for themselves, to the attention day with reapriser in the true ”treat yourself”-spirit.

Singles Day comes from China where the day is a mega hit. The fact is that Singles Day is even greater than even Black Friday. 2017 turnover in the chinese e-handelsjätten Alibaba entire to 25.4 billion us dollars – the equivalent of 229 billion – in one day.