It was in the match against Poland Sabina Jacobsen was forced to get off due to a groin injury.

She played either towards Montenegro or France but hope to be back in the important match against Russia on Wednesday.

“Everything feels good but I have not challenged the groin something,” says Jacobsen. It’s all about I need to be able to use the power in the muscles when I have the foot in the ground, I try to test a little bit every day without provoking.

and the train with the rest of the team without running a private program to eventually come back fully.

” tomorrow afternoon, we’re trying a little more to see where the status is then.

During the recent matches have Jacobsen had the task to coach Elin Hallagård, replacement at short notice was called in for the match against Montenegro.

Sabina is the world’s best coach, praises Hallagård.

Jacobsen see the next one a little bit embarrassed when she gets to hear the praise.

” I do not know, it is still very fun to sit on the bench and get help with anything. Elin did a great match against France, it was fun to see. She has not been here for so long and will be thrown as third, I’m glad she worked so well.

it is a pain to sit on the bench.

– It is horrible. I had a discussion with Elin, who asked if I was nervous and I said I just thought it is fun when there is a match, she wondered how I could feel so for she was so nervous.

At the end of the match against France, the Jacobsen a short talk with Hallagård.

” Elin, I’m really nervous, admitted Jacobsen.