A woman with whipped cream smeared all over his bare breasts and another undressed woman suck on a banana, while she stares challengingly into the camera.

It was the sight that met Frank Davidsen, en he Sunday took in Glostrup Swimming pool with his children of six and eight years. In the complex indgangsområde hangs six pornographic images or works of art, if you will.

– On my children’s behalf I am offended, and I think that it is something strange, something to put up, says Frank Davidsen about the pictures in Glostrup Swimming pool.

The three cover pages from old magazines hanging stored a little bit away. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

He made sure that his children are not as on the pictures, as they walked past, but several other families stopped and looked at the pictures.

– You have actually no choice, when you go past the pictures, for they are only. There are no warnings or anything, it sounds from the Frank Davidsen.

– When you go in the swimming pool, it is to swim with your children. It is not to see pornographic material. If one can talk about a target audience, is it so skewed that it can possibly be.

Frank Davidsen believes that the images is a violation of penal code section 232, which is about indecent exposure. Therefore, he has also lodged a complaint to the police of Glostrup Municipality.

– I hope that it will be taken down quite so quickly, and to use something more wisely in the municipality in relation to these things, he strikes fast.

the Extra Leaf has seen the review by Frank Davidsen has submitted to the police, but it has not been possible to get in touch with the university of Copenhagen is Ranked the Police in order to get the notification confirmed.

too pornographic to a swimming pool, think Frank Davidsen about the pictures. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

the Viewer is even with to make the images sexual, says the artist behind it. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

Lars Heiberg, who is the artist behind the works, says the fact that he was not aware that the pictures should hang in a swimming pool.

– I have no idea what it is for a place, and I have never been out to see the place, he stresses to Ekstra Bladet.

– I have not done anything that would provoke. They are very discrete, and it is not worse than to see a modeltegning.

However, he may well see that the images are decidedly suitable for children.

– If it was in a nursery, I would not hang them up. So, I would choose something else. So the thought has since crossed my mind. But I went to the website (for Glostrup Kunstforening, red.) and could see that there were some nude pictures of Bjørn Nørgaard, so it’s probably a place where people can tolerate looking at it, ” says Lars Heiberg.

The six images, which has violated the Frank Davidsen, is not originally made for Glostrup Swimming pool. They have been previously exhibited as a part of other exhibitions.

For example, are the three front covers from the defunct Report and Weekendsex a nostalgic throw-back to the teenageværelset, while the sexual pictures have been a part of a show that actually was about food.

Art: the Artist chooses the images

Glostrup Municipality regard to the Jette Skovgaard, who is the president in Glostrup Kunstforning, which exhibits the pictures in the swimming pool.

– Why should hang sexual images in public swimming pool?

– It should, because the artist Lars Heiberg has chosen what he will exhibit, when we asked him to exhibit in Glostrup Kunstforening. So he has sent the pictures he would exhibit, then as a society we are not choosing the art, we are choosing the artist, says Jette Skovgaard.

– Have you thought that they could be offensive to children?

– Not offensive. We have hung them on the red brick walls, where approximately half of those who come through the exhibition area, goes past. The three pages we have hung, so you do not go past them. There you have to seek out them to see them. Hanging we are always the pictures, we think is at least interesting, for there is not so much light and review.

– Get the reaction you consider to take them down?

– No, it considering we do not. If we receive a notice from the municipality that we must do it, then it is clear that we are taking them down, but I can’t imagine we will get the message.

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