Music A title like ‘Butterflies in her stomach’ suggests that Niels Destadsbader (30) about an early love singing, but nothing is less true. With his latest song refers to the current golden boy to a tragic event in the life of his brother and sister-in-law. “They were so happy to have a baby. But when it finally was coming, it went wrong,” he tells us.

Sold out Sportpaleizen, MIA-nominations galore, a mantelpiece full of trophies… but It is Niels Destadsbader for the wind. But soar he will not do it quickly. “I know very well what I all have to do,” he says. The popular singer/presenter has, in fact, even some grief to process. As the zwangerschapsperikelen that his brother Kevin and sister-in-law were there. They rode a long way to become pregnant. And when it finally was, died with their baby in the belly.

Could you easily talk about with your brother in that period?

About emotions talking, that remains difficult. For a lot of people. They were so happy to have a baby, but when it finally was coming, walked out the error. You saw how difficult it was for them. And I understood that also. In life if you try to always plan. As that for one reason or another are not consistent with the reality, you are sad. That is true unfortunately for many people.