More Sport At the hockey world cup in India playing the Red Lions tomorrow the crucial barragewedstrijd against Pakistan for a place in the quarter-finals. Assistant coach Michel van den Heuvel, between 2010 and 2012 national coach of the Pakistani national team, the Belgian hockey players extensively briefed about what to do. The Red Lions are full of confidence. “We need to physically make a difference”, which sounds in unison.

Thomas Briels, captain of team Belgium, like from the first minute to go to the limit. “We will be there from the beginning are the first attacks to survive. Then we can on our strong physical qualities count. We train a lot more than Pakistan, we must make the difference. We have 60 minutes to stay focused, Pakistan has the qualities to be out of nothing to score”, warns the 31-year-old captain and two-times English champion with Orange-Red.

Assistant coach Michel van den Heuvel stressed earlier that the Pakistani team especially on character play. “We know that they are very proud of their country to represent and they are real fighters. But we are that also. We are ready to support a war of” counterbalances Briels.