The Swedish national team trained on Saturday at the same time that it had been warned of riots around France, including in Nantes, where Sweden plays its CHAMPIONSHIP matches.

have not noticed the Yellow västarnas nationwide protests. Earlier in the week, the team has had a civilian police inside etc.).

“I don’t think there is anyone here today,” says Vandor.

Despite the heated atmosphere around the country feels landslagsledningen no concern.

“We have not received any restrictions or things to consider, we feel safe,” says Vandor.

a good bit outside the city centre of Nantes, this was where the local police at noon estimated the demonstrators at 2,000.

“We get the information of the European handball federation if it is needed,” says Vandor.

Isabelle Gulldén was one of the players who was in town on Friday afternoon and met friends.

“We haven’t actually talked about some security,” says Gulldén who admits that she is more worried about the match against France than to the Yellow of the vests.

– It is just full focus on the match and hopefully it will be the match against France tomorrow.

Henrik Signell do not feel any concern.

“Certainly not,” says Signell. We live in our bubble, we have not been affected at all.

The only thing that affected the Swedish team is that the match against France was pushed back from Saturday to Sunday.

” It was no disadvantage given skadeläget, it is a part that has some flaws but it has been well France more.

as Sweden meet on Wednesday, it will be however a disadvantage because they are now forced to play both on Sunday and on Monday.

” the Timing of it becomes a disadvantage for Russia, yes, said Signell.