The CDU will be celebrated for their departure, the SPD for its decline pitied, and the Green to be envied because of their survey. However, with a view to future power options, the FDP remains invisible under-the-Radar for how long. Exactly 70 years after its founding in southern Hesse Heppenheim the party is missing on your self-discovery path is the compelling Narrative: a response to the question, what is today’s liberal.

And heads, the can represented the liberal idea of lack. While it succeeded party chief Christian Lindner, to close to the time as extra-parliamentary Opposition in the ranks. However, the FDP is tailored to him. Independent heads in the second row, there are hardly four-fifths of all the members of Parliament, novices are. Also in the countries of heavyweights are political. Who can start with the name Joachim Stamp (NRW), Heiner Garg (Schleswig-Holstein) or Volker Wissing (Rheinland-Pfalz) something? Alone Helmut mark word has halfway over celebrity status.

Kubicki would like to make a Hofreiter, a pop

At the top, meanwhile, Lindner, and “the enfant terrible”, Wolfgang Kubicki, especially with taunts. The Chairman advises disgruntled Union supporters, easy to be with him is a member; the Deputy Green party leader, Anton Hofreiter makes it so aggressive, that he wants him like that, “a pop”. This Green and Yellow combines more than you want it to be.

Both are part of the programme parties, responsibility and climate protection, there is freedom and digitization. While it made the Green but the hearts of the people, does not want to the success of the FDP. It is not enough, under the heading of digitalisation, as of the FDP Hartz – IV proposed to the call-recipients in the future via Skype to the job centre. In the increasingly complex world, people are looking for not self-responsibility, but the opposite: Someone else to you explain the world. And the fear of the digitization.

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Interview Kubicki for the immigration act: “This is not a great throw,”

Hans Month, days of the mirror in the Morning


los order Also, the FDP, the Jamaica debacle. Lindner’s “no” is not interpreted as a sign of credibility, but as one of the unreliability. A recent allensbach has shown survey: Although the voters with the Grand coalition are unhappy, just 20 percent instead, a Jamaica-coalition. What is missing from the FDP today? In any case, a power option.