It is up to the british to take the initiative, if they need a helping hand from the EU to get brexitaftalen voted in the british parliament.
It believes the minister for foreign affairs Anders Samuelsen (LA), who do not believe that the EU will reach out first.
– the British must come and tell what they need, so they can get brexitaftalen through the british parliament.
– We should not guess and put various things on the table. It would be quite wrong. We are waiting for the Uk, and then we will listen to them, he says.
on Monday elected prime minister Theresa May to postpone the vote on the brexitaftalen in the british parliament, where she is struggling to gather support for the agreement.
Anders Samuelsen stresses, like several of his colleagues, to brexitaftalen not be reopened. But he is ready to look at possible følgeerklæringer by the side of the agreement, if it can help to avoid a brexit without agreement.
– We’re working at home with a Marrakesh-explanation. You can always make a følgeerklæring. However, the crucial point is whether it is enough to turn the mood in the british parliament, the foreign minister says.
He believes that the agreement, which is on the table, is the “fair and proper”.
Tuesday is Theresa May on tour in Europe, where she’s trying to get help to save his brexitplan.
First meet with the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, in the Hague, before the trip goes to Berlin to speak with German chancellor Angela Merkel.