As a therapist and writer, known for Tommy Hellsten talking about life-turning point Wishes series.
Yle Wishes series the final section is a guest therapist and author Tommy Hellsten , who writes the soul to wait for the skill and soul with making friends. Section to Hellsten himself lived as it is taught.
Tommy Hellsten is a Wish series editor Ira hammer mann as a guest. Yle photo service/production plant
Hellsten also speaks openly an alcoholic home growing up and how it affected his life. In some way Hellsten granted all his life claimed to find answers to different questions. The father’s alcoholism milla was a major influence on that Hellstenistä later became a therapist.
– One of the reasons is also the fact that I grew up my childhood in an alcoholic home, home, where you never really come home. I stayed invisible and devoid of approval. Inside my churning huge burning questions concerning my life and my identity. I can very badly, Hellsten recalls.
– Bad feeling led to the fact that the company in some way will find answers, peace and purpose. I did so under duress, because I can be mentally ill, he continued.
in Section Hellsten also opens about how he used to work as therapist to his parents, even though there was still a minor. Hellsten’s family lived at the time in a small private house, where he went to these conversations through the boiler room mother, or later also a few other help needed.
Hellstenistä came as the accidental family therapist, when his mother needed support.
Dad started to drink, when I was 8-10 years old. He stopped in a few years from being a family man and father. The mother’s distress was great when he was left alone and had to answer the company, the family and the economy. He was looking for the family of someone that she could rely on, Hellsten recalls.
Wish-series Theme & Fem at 18: 30.