Recently, I was walking with my dog. At least I thought. However, after 200 meters, I noticed the leash in my Hand, without a dog. I had forgotten it at home. Also, I find myself more and more often in rooms where I don’t know what I wanted there, actually. Clothes disappear never to be seen again. Or I forget names and faces of well-Known, I haven’t seen in a long time. I’m 45 years old.

“The highlight of our cognitive performance is in front of the 30. Birthday,” says Barbara Studer. The Neuro-psychologist is a lecturer at the University of Bern and directs Synapso, a specialist unit for learning and memory research. “You should be as early as possible, intent on beneficial activities for the brain,” she advises. This has also listened to the economy. Eight billion Swiss francs to spend the people according to the market researchers Research and Markets in the year 2021 for brain training Apps such as CogniFit, Play, or neuro racer. In 2005, there were 200 million Swiss francs.

The reasons for the Boom of the technological progress, the Trend to self-optimization, and the increase in life expectancy. In addition, the first digital-savvy Generation comes now in an age where the brain performance.

The two intelligences

One of the successful programs for brain training Lumosity, which is used by 70 million people. For 12 francs in the month of Lumosity offers a subscription with cognitive Games to improve logical Thinking, memory or attention. There are tasks in the style of the classic “Memory”game, but interactive and nicely designed. But recently, the company had to pay a fine in the amount of 2 million dollars, because they could not provide scientific evidence that their product works as claimed successfully against dementia.

What brings you to the question: How useful are brain training? The physical Fitness, you have to go in the weight room. However, the brain is like a muscle you can train? This question, neuro-psychologists have been discussing for years controversial.

to do This, you must know that the man has two intelligence forms, which together constitute the IQ. The so-called crystallized intelligence includes our experiences, the knowledge and the language vocabulary as well as social competence. Crystallized intelligence increases until 60, 70 years of age, in some people, never. The fluid intelligence defines our ability to solve problems without relying on previously acquired knowledge or experience. The fluid intelligence is genetic – the brilliant Detective Sherlock Holmes obviously had gotten a great deal of it. After the 25. Year of age, it decreases, which explains why learning new languages at a young age without a problem and the grandparents with cell phone updates no longer come clear.

Or that’s not true? Ten years ago, Susanne Jäggi and Martin-Busch-cooling, two psychologists of the University of Bern have shown, in a study that the Practice improves more demanding thinking tasks – the so-called Dual-n-back Test, the fluid intelligence. Already in a daily training time of 25 minutes over a period of two weeks. The N-back Test, for example, numbers are read aloud series, and the subject must decide when a number is read out a certain number of steps before n back already. Sounds simple, but is enormously difficult.

instruction video for the dual n-back Test

Jäggis Thesis: The N-back Training improves working memory for the processing of short-term information. The working memory is a kind of cardiovascular function of the brain. It can therefore be exercise – such as Jogging strengthens the cardiovascular System and also other activities, such as climbing stairs or Swimming, the fitter makes.

The study by jaeggi and Bush cooling (now at the University of California to teach) was in the intelligence research a Sensation. Previously they had assumed that brain training boost specific skills. Anyone who plays a lot of chess, plays chess better, but it is not intelligent. The same is true for Sudoku and other cognitively demanding activities.

Jäggis study was critically examined. Actually, the Swiss were not able to repeat your training results, in this country. In a replication study in Taiwan, however, they found similar improvements in memory and intelligence tasks.

A similar “transfer of power” was observed when “neuro racer”. In a study with older people who had trained with the three-dimensional Videogame during four weeks, was able to demonstrate that the research group improved performance in working memory and Multitasking. Have not replicated the data yet.

iHirn and brain Twister

“There is a huge range of Games to improve brain power. But many of them remain a scientific Review of guilty,” says Barbara Studer. As training programs whose effects have been empirically found to be solid, called Cogmed, CogniFit, and neuro-nation and, in part, Lumosity. Particularly, it recommends, therefore, programs developed by scientists continuously improved and optimized, and not a commercial aim. This includes, for example, iHirn and brain Twister.

Studer keeps the brain training is not useless. She sees it as one among many ways such as stimulates the brain. More exciting than the question of whether something acting, is the question of how it is acting. Thus, the current research examines the role of Motivation, personality, or rewards. Studies show that the focus can spur on Good and positive thoughts cognitive abilities. Anyone who thinks negatively about his achievements, fear of failure to succeed or to deficits of focused, limited in his mental capacity – and boosts the risk of Dementia.

In times, where even mindfulness exercises via a Smartphone App to be done, it is not surprising that the mental Fitness digital is trained. Until the Benefits clearly demonstrated, the Neuro-psychologist proven methods. “Stay curious, learning New skills, such as tools or languages, we have people with different views, surrounded by” are the tips of Barbara Studer. An active social life and physical activity also contribute. “Everything is for the heart good,” you, “is recognized in the balance sheet is also good for the brain.”

Exactly: With the dog out to go. You should not just forget about him.


Created: 11.12.2018, 07:33 PM