Oisin Cantwell: ”Successful public prosecutor, he will be sentenced to jail”

the Evidence against Daniel Kindberg appears to be strong.

But to achieve success must crown prosecutors manage to get the lay assessors to understand all the complexity of the tours in this tangle.

This in turn places educational requirements on prosecutors. All understand what a värdetransportrån is. The crime itself need not be explained.

Bokföringsfiffel, false invoices and tänjande on complicated sections is quite another thing. Crime is more abstract in nature and often difficult to comprehend.

I remember a ekobrottmål that lasted forever and became more labyrinthine, the longer the prosecutors went on. The lay assessors had to finish hard to keep your eyes open and the honduran was obvious: When one does not take it is safe to free.

Claiming that they had in common brottsplan

the Prosecutors allege that the non-profit organization-the boss Daniel Kindberg and two co-defendants, a project manager and self-employed, had a common brottsplan.

the self-employed Person shall have submitted invoices for work that has never been done to the construction company Peab, which has been certified by the project manager.

Then the false invoices vidarefakturerats to Östersundshem and approved by the president Kindberg, despite the fact that he is, according to the prosecutors knew that they did not contain anything other than air.

thus have to 11.8 million paid to the self-employed person.\nSå far as the first charge. But there is more to come. Then Kindberg was ceo of another company, he has approved the luftfakturor of 3.8 million to the entrepreneur.

A collection of serious crimes

the Bluff has made the entrepreneur wealthy. But what has Kindberg got out of it? The answer is, according to the prosecutors, in charge of seven.

Where it appears that Driftaren AB, which is owned by Östersunda football club, sent invoices to the operator for the contract work not have been carried out.

this manoeuvre brought the businessman over 3.9 million of the crowns he came across through the previously sent bluffakturorna.

Kindberg was representative of the Driftaren AB and felt, claiming the prosecutors, to the invoices was nonsense. Still recorded them.

It is a respectable collection of serious crimes Kindberg prosecuted for. Rough breach of trust, aiding and abetting the gross breach of trust, gross accounting fraud and aiding and abetting to the grossly false accounting.

in Addition, requires the public prosecutor, he shall punishable with seven years ‘ disqualification from activity.

But the crimes will be proven. Here comes the seized e-mails that the three men have been sent back and forth between each other and which, inter alia, contains instructions on how invoices should be specified to play an important role. In addition, staff at the workplaces where the work alleged to have been committed testify. They have not carried out the alleged works.

The accused has also been oförskitiga enough to talk together about what they will say in the hearing in the intercepted conversations.

Manages the prosecutors partly explain the skein sufficiently educational, and partly to convince the court that the evidence is sufficient will Kindberg to be sentenced to prison.

Crime is so rough that it can hardly be any talk of any other kind of punishment.