the Unusual behaviour during a boligbrann in Porsgrunn during the christmas season two years ago, the police on the track of it which has now become the largest prostitution and sex trafficking case in Utah.

In all 30 men are fined with 25 000 each for the purchase of sexual services.

– For several of the bøtelagte, it was very important that the police have not sent a letter home to them. Some were single and others have families, ” says politiinspektør School Worpvik to the Cairn (requires login).

According to Norwegian law it is forbidden to buy sex, but not to sell.

Some of the bøtelagte is from Vestfold, most from Lower Telemark.

According to the politiinspektøren is the bøtelagte men in the age group between 20-years and 60 years, ethnic Norwegian and from all walks of life.

Politiadvokat Kjell-Ove Ljosåk informs that the bulk of the bøtelagte have shown great interest to make up for the rapidly – with one exception.

One refuses

One of the 30, have refused to adopt the fine. The trial is not yet scheduled.

According to the Beacon has five-six politiansatte worked with sexkjøp case in several months.

There should be tens of women aged 20-30 years from Russia, Ukraine, and Lithuania who have sold sex via contact with lists on the internet.

A married couple in the 30-years are currently charged with pimping and human trafficking. The investigation is not yet finished.

Disappeared in a waiting car

Opprullingen of the extensive sex trafficking case started with a big question mark in connection with a boligbrann 28. December 2016 in Grensegata in Porsgrunn city centre.

Two young women climbed down from the ladder in the burning andreetasjen and disappeared directly into a waiting car with a man behind the wheel.

It charged the couple refuses straffskyld after the indictment.

Both have been ” I, and the man has been apprehended three times by the police in the course of the two years.