Economy“, this Is the force of change or cross minister Loones just his head in the sand?” Trade union ACV Public Services is not set up with the attitudes of the brand new minister of welfare, Sander Loones (N-VA) in the negotiations on the modernisation of the federal legislation. Loones would be “a few minor concessions” want to do about the leaves, but would the other not want to negotiate.

Loones took in november at the helm as minister of his partijgenoot Steven Vandeput, who was mayor of Hasselt. For months, the negotiators of the ministerial cabinet negotiations deducted, and they are each and every substantive discussion out of the way, says ACV. After the arrival of minister Loones asked the union to say that for the second time a list of the shortage and breakpoints that with the minister clarified should be, but a lot of sods, this would not be on the dike.

Only in terms of the leaves would Loones compromise want to do, and heard the trade union. “But this are no new achievements, they hold merely the preservation of the existing situation. For the rest, refuses to minister Loones still further to negotiate about all the other books of the codex (in which the status of civil servants is established; editor’s note) and he wants the unfinished texts which have been members of cabinets prepared had an integral reserve. Negotiations in substance, this so there are never been.”

The union proposes the rhetorical question of whether “eight months dovemansgesprekken with cabinet staff that the hot potato off, pushed” enough to the reform of the staff regulations to justify. “Is this the force of change or cross minister Loones just his head in the sand?”