the Plans to move asylum seekers who are rejected due to the crime, to the island of Lindholm I Stege Bay, does not make much sense for the staff at Udrejsecenter Kærshovedgård.

The writing magazine Fængselsfunktionæren.

– it Is not just valgflæsk? Most of the residents here are quiet, calm and attentive. I can’t see that we would be able to fill an island, says the employee, Henriette Knob to Fængselsfunktionæren.

Johnny Fonnesbech, who has the title of enhedsleder at the centre, says for the same media:

– It sounds very expensive with the decision. We use the time and resources to transport the residents to the train, when, for example, to the psychologist, in the emergency room or in court.

– So it should at least be søstærke employees, recruiting to Lindholm.

In connection with the negotiations on the budget bill was the government and the Danish people’s Party agreed to set up a centre on the island of Lindholm.

Here 125 criminals, failed asylum seekers are accommodated. It will cost 759 million kroner over the next four years to realize the plan.

the Plans have received harsh criticism both for being inhumane and possibly in violation of international law as well as criticism from the local area around Lindholm, who fear that isolated, rejected asylum seekers may pose a risk because they become desperate.

– the Restriction to move is greater when you are on an island. You have as a starting point opholdspligt on the island. So we have more control of where they are, said finance minister Kristian Jensen (V), when the agreement was concluded.

it is a problem for us, that we can see some aliens, which is really exhibited, but which is still committing crime, without we have the ability to control them.

Johnny Fonnesbech from Kærshovedgård say to Fængselsfunktionæren, that he may see the idea in to share residents up in criminal and ikkekriminelle. But the proposal does not capture the reality.

– I think there are many skrivebordsbeslutninger out from a very black and white picture of what it is like to drive udrejsecenter. You often forget the gray tones, he says to Fængselsfunktionæren.