It may not be the case that the EU countries again to negotiate udtrædelsesaftalen with the EU, says the German chancellor.

The british prime minister, Theresa May, was on Tuesday in Berlin to discuss the extremely difficult situation, as she stands in, after that it is clear that she does not have the uk parliamentary backing for its terms with the EU.

Merkel on Tuesday evening to his conservative party colleagues told, that she at the meeting of May explained that she can’t see for himself, to the EU countries again to negotiate skilsmisseaftalen.

– We have said that udtrædelsesaftalen not be opened again, said the chancellor, according to German news agency dpa.

25. november, the heads of state and government at the EU summit on the agreement, which the british and the EU, after one and a half years of negotiations, was reached.

The british parliament should have voted on the agreement Tuesday night. But on Monday decided the prime minister to postpone the vote. She did, when it became clear that she would not get the necessary number of votes.

May will on Tuesday meet with president Jean-Claude Juncker and EU president Donald Tusk in Brussels.

She must later Tuesday to meet with Austria’s chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, and Wednesday she will speak with the Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar.