The crossword puzzles and sudoku must not show the protective memory and cognitive function decay, says a new scottish study.The video explains when memory problems should seek medical.

according to the survey, in general good accordance with the lattice of resolve is not stopping the impact of spiritual regression.

instead, the researchers recommend to the brains activating pursuits through life.

the Study told the BBC.

Aberdeen university research published in the BMJ scientific journal.

It was involved in approximately 500 82-year-old.

They attended 15 years, five times among other memory tests.

Previous studies have shown that cognitive skills training can improve memory, particularly in middle-aged or older.

Aivojumpan has been considered to help the elderly to survive the daily chores.

for Example, reading and music instrument playing at least twice a week is connected to lower dementia risk.

it Is thought that the younger the brain is engaged, the better they work old.

Doctor James Pickett notes that while the crossword puzzles and sudoku of filling may not prevent dementia, it has been shown that regular challenging yourself seems to improve the brain’s ability to clear disease symptoms.

Brain health can keep the best maintain a healthy diet, smoking, avoid exercise, cholesterol and blood pressure monitoring, as well as by staying active, to remind the alzheimer’s disease research David Reynolds .


How the brain can then work out through your life? Reader’s Digest to tell you tips on how to do brain stimulating exercises, involving different senses and brain sub-regions are the best to use.

1. Brush your teeth with the ”wrong” hand,

If you are right handed, brush your teeth between left hand. According to studies, the opposite hemispheres of the brain use may stimulate dormant aivoratoja and leads to a rapid change in those parts of the brain that control and process information.

2. Use in the shower eyes closed

arrange a brain exercise by keeping the eyes closed the entire shower time.

Use only your senses, so that you know for example, when adjust the water temperature.

Keep your eyes closed even when you dry yourself.

3. Change the morning routine to your

on the Scans is shown that the new tasks activate multiple brain areas. This function decreases when a chore is a routine.

so, use the dog on our morning jog in a different direction than normal and do morning activities in a different order than usually.

4. Exchange seat

family members often own a certain place at the dinner table. The brain of refreshment in terms of places worth between exchanges.

the Brain will benefit, when the view from the room is different and sitting next to different people than usual.

5. Create a new connotation

You probably remember a time when you learn to combine the coffee smell of new day.

by Connecting you with new fragrances, such as, for example peppermint, lemon or vanilla to day chores – keep the brain alert.

you Can keep on your bedside favorite with the scent of your weeks time. Give it a good sniff first, when you get up and again, for example, when you dress.

6. Palpation of objects

our Brains rely on the visual sense brought about by visual cues to distinguish different objects from each other. Using detection on the sense of touch you can activate the cerebral cortex in different areas.

Put in your pocket of different sizes of coins and tried to finger palpation to figure out where the coin is.

7. Read aloud

Unison is required to read the different brain areas than when we read silently to ourselves.

Try to read between aloud or ask someone to read for you.

8. A taste of something new

our sense of Smell to distinguish a myriad of different scents. The brain form the sense of smell, butt smell receptors sending signals.

the scents evoke the brain’s emotional centre many sensations and connotations.

Stimulates the brain smelling and tasting something quite new food.

9. Enjoy people

Social contacts are important for brain health and cognitive abilities. Active social network to keep your brain vireinä. Also your mood will improve, what is known to have a good effect on brain functioning.

Discover and talk every day to unknown people.

Sources: BBC, Reader’s Digest