– If we don’t get what we want in one way or another, whether it be through you or the military, so I will shut down the government. I would with pride make it to border security, ” said Trump, according to The Guardian.

the Republicans and the democrats have not managed to agree on the financing to the wall, the democrats figure of $ 1.3 billion is a far cry from the 5 billion Trump calls.

In the meeting in the White house was also attended by vice-president Mike Pence and democratic leaders in congress (Nancy Pelosi) and the senate (Chuck Schumer). Actually, it was supposed that it would be held behind closed doors, but just before the meeting started were also reporters and cameramen in to listen.

described in several media as attention-grabbing heated tones, where both the Trump and the democrats interrupted each other repeatedly.

“You are not going to win,” said Nancy Pelosi, with reference to the balance of power in congress and the senate.

Schumer noted that they had many different opinions on the matter, but that the democrats do not want to see the government shut down.

” We want to come to an agreement. We have a solution that would be approved in congress and the senate directly, and it is the way we urge you to take. Do not shut down the government just because you didn’t get who you want, ” he said during the meeting.

the united states does not afford a shutdown of the state apparatus, especially not in this time of economic uncertainty. ”Donald Trump knows that his proposals, if the wall does not have enough votes and should not prevent an agreement between the parties,” she writes.


Before the meeting pointed out the Trump in turn, on Twitter that the democrats voted for a wall in 2006, but now they ”are fighting against it at any cost”.

He also writes that much of the wall is already built, and if the funding is voted down by the democrats, will the military step in and complete the great wall. ”They know how important it is,” he writes.
