More Sport The Red Lions will have their third match in the Pro League ended with a 4-4-draw against New Zealand. In the subsequent shoot-outs pulled the Lions (2-4) at the longest end. The Belgian hockeymannen gifts in the last quarter like against Spain with a lead of two goals away.

The world champion came in the 17th minute on backlog. With a strafbal made Hugo Inglis there 1-0. Two minutes later, hung Cédric Charlier the signs in balance. Maxime Plennevaux provided the Belgians with a 1-2 lead could rest. In the third quarter brought Aidan Sarikaya the home team alongside. Via Arthur Van Doren and re-Charlier ran the Lions to 2-4, but Nic Woods and Stephen Jenness moved the stand again equal.

In the subsequent shoot-outs put Florent Van Aubel to the keeper on the wrong foot: 0-1. Felix Denayer failed nor for Belgium. Victor Wegnez and Arthur De Sloover kept it error-free report. A rescue of Vincent Vanasch and a non-regulatory effort (‘backstick’) of a New Zealander sufficient for the extra point tied to a victory in the shoot-outs. A victory after shoot-outs provides two points, one less than a victory in the regular time. The loser gets one point.

Belgium opened the Pro League with a 2-2-tie against Spain. Last Saturday defeated the Lions in a remake of the olympic final to Argentina (2-4).