The Saxon CDU member of the Bundestag Marco wall joke found clear words. “The AfD is another example of your ugly Face,” he said. “A party, soaked with the anti-Democrats, Nazis, and conspiracy theorists. Cross dangerous!”

the occasion for his speech on Friday: The “Sächsische Zeitung” has made public that the installation of the Bundestag, Tino Chrupalla a hard-line approach against critical journalists. A “black list” with the names of supposedly “rogue” reporters, he wants to create, as he announces in a letter to the members of the district Association. His party friends, he asks to give him “background information about as a journalist disguised decomposition agents”.

Chrupalla is not anyone in the AfD. The 43-Year-old trained as a painter from the white water, is the Deputy Chairman of his parliamentary group. 2017 he made in the district of Görlitz of the former Saxony, CDU Secretary General and current Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer, the direct mandate in dispute. Now Chrupalla, the top candidate of the AfD in Saxony, the state Parliament election on 1. September will want to. It is decided on an AfD-national Congress on the second weekend in February. Chrupalla direct Challenger of Kretschmer would be, should he be elected. Wants to remain head of government and absolutely no coalition with the AfD, as he explains on several occasions.

Chrupalla writes in the letter to the members of the circle Association, “in close coordination with the national Association of Saxony, and with the support of media experts” he had developed a set of guidelines for dealing with journalists. It was “more than clear that the press is pursuing a spin – off and decomposition strategy”, – stated in his Letter: “We already know the game from the GDR.”

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order “disinformation, slander, enemy propaganda,”

Chrupalla calls for “unity to the outside,” advises “caution in dealing with the press” and announced that “journalists are biased and clearly work against us, will be deleted from our mailing list. We terminate the cooperation.” On Facebook, in the future, no “enemy propaganda should be” more divided. The member of the Bundestag recommends on the one hand, moderation, announces but on the other hand: “in terms of Content, we fall back an inch.”

“Please leave Comments and messages, all the groups of people to disparage, and don’t get too much of Your emotions”, – said in the letter. And: “Do you realize that the opponent has an interest in the mood to heat up, to instigate us more and more radical positions and to push us in the corner.” The AfD will combat “disinformation, emotional Manipulation, slander and insinuations, which lead to isolate us socially, to stamping brutes and columns.”

Chrupalla writes: “it’s called psychological warfare. Against this sneaky type of attack inner strength helps in the first place.” The demands of the AfD, be reasonable, “neither inhuman nor in any way radical.” The handout closes with the words: “Who has other clever ideas or Tricks from the past knows can feel free to get in touch with us. Background information about as a journalist disguised decomposition agents are of course always welcome.”

The intra-party power structure of the Saxon AfD had given Chrupalla has so far been rather moderate – unlike, for example, the country Chairman Jörg Urban, or of the extreme right-wing Dresden, member of Parliament Jens Maier. The latter had been recently appointed by the Thuringian state Chairman Björn Höcke to Saxony-speaker of the German national AfD group “The wings”.

Video for the Youtube channel of the “people’s teacher”

In the 436-page report of the constitutional protection for the “test case” AfD Chrupalla appears, nevertheless, in addition to other Saxon AfD politicians such as state and party leader Jörg Urban, Jens Maier, Siegbert Droese and Maximilian Krah. The protection of the Constitution was that Chrupalla the right-wing extremists, Nikolai N. and its Youtube channel “The people’s teacher” question and answer: “The Video is to give the appearance of spontaneity, but Chrupalla in a previous setting of the camera already waiting in the Background”, cited the “Free press” from the Expertise of the constitutional protection.

In an Interview with the “Sächsische Zeitung” had Chrupalla doubts that it remains after the state election to the cancellation of the Saxon CDU-top to a black-blue coalition in the state. “I think the Refusals by Mr. Kretschmer for is not set in stone, but I’m curious how the CDU deal after the election,” he said. The Co-author of the Saxon CDU parliamentary election program, political scientist Werner Patzelt, praised Chrupalla as “recognized, armed scientists and objectivity beneficiary”.

SPD: AfD cuts away the foundations of democracy

The Secretary-General of the Saxon SPD, Henning Homann, told the daily mirror to the letter of Chrupalla: “We stand for freedom, justice and solidarity – and, of course, also for the freedom of the press.” If the AfD consider journalists as ‘frivolous’, the obvious fact that these journalists do their Job and the AfD independent and critical reporting do not fit in the stuff. “Here is a previously democratic state conjured up dangerous and is sawn to the foundations of our democracy.”

The CDU-Landesverband Sachsen said: “After the teacher pillory black lists for journalists. Mistrust and mutual suspicion seem to be the essential characteristic of the society, how it sees the AfD. In the case of every human being, the our free democratic basic order in life, should, at the latest, high-pitched now, the alarm bells.”

the understanding of the AfD of the role of mass media in our society will once again, obviously, said CDU General Secretary Alexander Dierks continues: “journalists do a ‘proper’ job, if they report positively on the AfD. Everything takes a critical view of the party, their positions and intra-party processes, is trying to discredit from the outset as a ‘Fake News’ or as a product of bias.”

The AfD had requests from the daily mirror to the Writing your provincial members of Parliament remain unanswered.

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opinion, such As the protection of the Constitution of the East-AfD evaluated

Maria Fiedler, Frank Jansen

In the current polls for the Saxony election, the CDU is three to five percentage points ahead of the AfD. You would, therefore, in the choice of the 1. In September, albeit barely, as the strongest party. In the General election in 2017, the right-wing AfD had overtaken the CDU with 27.0 percent to a tenth of a percentage point.