Roger Stone, Donald Trumps former adviser, says that specialanklager Robert müller’s Russia-study is a sphere, which has towards the president’s head.

Stone, who on Tuesday refused guilty to seven charges in the case, criticizes Russia-investigation and the FBI and says that the president of the Trump is the next turn.

– This is not about me. It’s all about the president. They are after him, says Roger Stone to Breitbart News.

the President needs to wake up. This is a bullet against his head, not mine. I smoke just in the fall, he says.

president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump. Photo: AFP

Roger Stone, 66, was arrested Friday in last week at dawn, when the FBI agents in bulletproof vests and drawn guns stormed his residence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Later the same day flashede a sejrsikker Stone his signature greeting, where he is in the best Richard Nixon-style stretched both arms in the air and made V-signs with their fingers.

Stone, who is a political advisor and refer to themselves as a ‘dirty trickster’, is known for his tattoo between the shoulder blades of president Richard Nixon, who had to leave The White House in disgrace in 1974.

Roger Stone is seen here outside the bay in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where he poses with the legendary Richard Nixon greeting. Photo: AFP

It was expected that Roger Stone would be caught in the large net, which specialanklager Robert müller’s has thrown in connection with the investigation of, about Donald Trumps kampagnelejr cooperated with Russia in 2016.

Roger Stone is accused of seven different conditions.

Five of the seven point relates to false testimony, where he must have lied about the emails from the Democrats that were hacked during the campaign and published on the website Wikileaks.

Roger Stone worked for Donald Trumps presidential campaign for august 2015, but he has supposedly subsequently held informal contact with the Trump camp.

Roger Stone speaks to the press after his release. He is charged with seven matters related to the Mueller study. Photo: AFP

According to the indictment had Roger Stone and ‘several leading members of the Trump campaign’ in the summer of 2016 discussed what Wikileaks may be in possession of, which could be detrimental to the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton was Donald Trumps careful attention to every detail in the presidential election.

Donald Trump has repeatedly denied that his campaign has done anything wrong in connection with the election campaign.

– It is the biggest witch hunts in our country’s history, he says about Robert müller’s study.

Donald Trump is loaded by a number of cases, among other things, arising out of specialanklager Robert müller’s Russia survey. See the 12 cases here:

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