Apple is fighting with a security gap in the video telephony: Since the autumn of users can talk via Facetime with multiple people at the same time. Well, it turns out that it is due to a Software error, it was possible to eavesdrop on group discussions via Facetime secretly.

it has Also been shown that a 14-year-old American, discovered the error of already more than a week, namely, on 20. January. This is long before the Portal 9to5mac posted a Video of the error on Twitter and the news went viral about the glitch. The Juicy stuff: the mother of The 14-year-old Grant Thompson, Michele Thompson, tried again and again to make Apple’s attention to the error – without success. Only when the message in the network spread, responded Apple, and disabled, the group calls on late Monday evening (U.S. time).

“keep out of the smoke tried everything”

her son had discovered the security vulnerability, when he had placed with his friends, a Facetime group chat, to discuss an upcoming joint game of the video Games “Fortnite,” says the lawyer, Michele Thompson of the Wall Street Journal. The 14-Year-old found out that he could hear as he added new members to the group, conversations of these participants, even if they had not accepted the request for the Chat.

when he had told his mother, tried to inform Apple. “Except for smoke signals I tried every method to reach someone at Apple,” said Thompson. She posted messages on Twitter and Facebook, in the hope to attract the attention of the Social Media or the Support team of Apple. As this was not the case, wrote to Apple CEO Tim Cook directly via Twitter, called the company and sent faxes.

hope of reward

finally, you have spoken with an Apple Support staff about the error. “He called me back and had really no information,” said Thompson. “He said there was really nothing I could do.” You would have to register as a developer, in order for the bug to be submitted, the employee.

Thompson registered with a developer Account in the hope to get a reward for your son. Since 2016 Apple pays premiums to persons, the significant errors are found. 25. January, sent Thompson an E-Mail to Apple with the Details of the problem and a Link to a Youtube Video in which she and her son show the error.

“Difficult for the average citizen to report something,”

Thompson said she did not know how the glitch came out to the Public. Also, you don’t know whether you or your son a reward or even a thank you from Apple for their efforts would get. “It is difficult for the average citizen to report something,” says Thompson.

more and more companies have applications with which users can report errors. Often these were not connected but with the Social Media or Support Teams, says Katie Moussouris, Head of the company Luta Security, the company advises to such programs, the “Wall Street Journal”. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 31.01.2019, 08:21 PM