Who has heard the previous night turbine noise from the sky, could be wondering easily: no, the city has not lifted the ban on night flights. Instead, the energy group Vattenfall circles with a special plane over Berlin. According to the group, the machine checked in the coming days, the district heating networks in the capital.

you fly over a height of approximately 500 kilometers of transmission lines primarily in the South and in the centre of Berlin. So infrared arise-images that give information about the condition of the insulation and a possible disruption in operation in the underground networks.

flight noise can not be avoided

Such flights, Vattenfall must not only be done in the night hours, in order not to disturb during the day the air traffic. Although the aircraft is shown with a noise certificate, it shall notify the company, “flight of noise, in spite of all kinds of noise reduction can not be avoided completely”. With around 84 decibels, the machine makes about as much noise as a main road.

How long are the flights and how many days, the Berlin will have to reckon with a nocturnal turbine noise, can’t tell you take Vattenfall. “The duration of flights depends on the weather conditions and thus cannot accurately predict”, it says in a statement. A prerequisite for the Verification from the air is, therefore, that the weather is cold and dry.

exceptions for Post – and ambulance flights

In the case of passenger aircraft must approve the aviation authority for night flights usually. In December, the response to a parliamentary question of the SPD-deputies, Bettina king had shown that the number of take-offs and landings has increased to 23 PM in the past year. Witnesses landed instead of 36 flight of about 131 machines per month.

Between 23 and 6 o’clock are not allowed to be flown. There are exceptions for post-flights, ambulance flights, the flight readiness of the Federal government, Missions of the police, as well as surveying flights for the German air traffic control. And for late flights, if the fault is not with the Airline.


More about

aircraft noise in Berlin, night flights in TXL, with Almost 700 machines in nine months

Fatina Keilani

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