“”My wife dare not leave the apartment””

“Three firings in Jakobsberg in a week.”

“A wreath, a few gravljus and scattered blood stains in the snow.”

“It is all the tracks that are left behind after the shootings in Jakobsberg.”

“But on the inside there are considerably more.”

“the Mood at the Ica Söderhöjden is sweltering. A shop assistant picks up almond milk in the fridge. Her face looks haggard out and the eyes are red. She looks like she’s about to cry. I show the block and she shakes her head. “

” Nothing. I say nothing.”

“Life is trying to return to some form of normality, here in the shop where the two firings took place in less than a week. No barriers are left, and no police officers visible in the area. “

“some customers braving the snövädret and running in order to make their cases. “

“– Nah, I’m not afraid. But my wife, she stays at home, ” says Alfredo Belmonte Parra, 77, and continues:”

“– the Same thing with my grandchildren. She is 22 years old, she is afraid now.”

“the”Gets worse and worse””

“He has with deposit cans in a bag. We take a few pictures. He disappears into the store when a man suddenly approaches us in the parking lot. He’s staring at us with markedly dilated pupils. “

“– the Blood should be removed! I say: the Blood is going away from here! mill he. “

“We backs, keeps us away. “

“A woman comes by. She tells me that she called Zeniab Al Araji , is 38 years old and have lived here for five years. Everything has been quiet in the neighborhood – until now.”

“– Now, the area gets only worse and worse, ” she says.”

“She never became a witness to the shootings, but heard about them first in the retrospect of a cousin. “

“What do you think is the cause of the escalating violence?”

“– Bunch. I heard that the shooting was revenge, someone who went back to the other gang. “

“” I have not seen it myself, but I hear about it. Young people tend to hang here.”

“She knows that security that characterised the Jakobsberg is gone. “

” I was not afraid before, but now I’m there. I’ll take my children the short distance to and from school. I am worried that it will happen to them something on the way, ” she says.”

“A trygghetsvärd park outside the store. Aid from ngos is a part of the police’s latest effort to bring peace to the Jakobsbergs centrum. “

“It remains to be seen if it is enough. “

“the Question that hangs in the air is: What is it, this is the last retribution? Or will there be a fourth shootings in the night?”