Snow is moving in from the south of Sweden and the wind and the snowfall intensified on Friday morning when it reaches the eastern part of the province Svealand. A class 1 warning is issued in Stockholm, Uppsala and Gävleborg county.

– The biggest snow is expected along the coast and that is where it will blow most, ” says Jon Jörpeland, meteorologist at SMHI.

and winds of up to ten metres per second is expected in the Friday before the snowfall is slowing down, and pulls further north ahead of Saturday. In connection with the fresh easterly wind it can be formed drifting snow and be difficult road conditions.

Behind the first to the severe weather conditions will one to coming from the south during the lördagsdygnet and moving slowly to the north. Also it looks to hit against eastern Svealand and southern Norrland. In total, there may come a couple of inches in places, according to SMHI.

– it is possible that It will enter a new warning, ” says Jon Jörpeland.

out on the roads at the weekend are urged to take it gently, be out in good time and keep the distances.

“It is a reduced term and in connection with that it blows it can be drivbildning of the snow that makes it difficult in traffic,” says Anna Belking, meteorologist at SMHI.

In connection with the snövädren formed more clouds are expected to moderate the worst of the cold, but there is still 20-30 degrees below zero in northern Minnesota. On Thursday, beaten

In the beginning of the next week draws yet a new low with snow or wet snow over the Region. Then comes the high that brings calmer weather conditions, and generally freezing temperatures.

Read more: the Extreme cold in the united states depends on the weak polarvirvel