While Angela Merkel in Aachen, the President of France Emmanuel Macron eternal friendship celebrated and to save in Davos, multilateralism in the world tried, dominated Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer the German stage. In the news watch TV three hours pass that the CDU-talking Head somewhere.

The interest in the New that could replace the old Chancellor soon, is great. This week, she joined with Sandra maischberger in the ARD for the 60-minute individual interview. Such preferential treatment learned so far, almost only the Chancellor. In the polls Kramp cart Builder’s popularity rose to new heights. In one they replaced Merkel is already the most popular politician.

reconciliation with the CSU

Since she has set a wafer-thin against her rival, Friedrich Merz, has taken the 56-year-old citizen of Saarland, the CDU in the wind. The beginning of the year, she travelled immediately to Bavaria, to settle the dispute that had divided the party sisters the CSU and the CDU since the refugee crisis like never before. In the monastery of Seeon you took your own party from blame.

This week, they celebrated with the new CSU-Chef Markus Söder in Berlin, a cheerful reunion. Kramp-Karrenbauer said it, however, it fell immediately to the eye: Following the resignation of the old adversary of Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer, the reconciliation is not wishful thinking but a real possibility. Two days earlier, Kramp-Karrenbauer had already visited the Baden-Württemberg. The disappointed Merz Fans you are insured, your liberal-conservative concerns would not come under it.

In a few weeks Kramp-karrenbauer has not only secured the Union, but also thematically. Time is of the essence. In may, Europe is the choice, in the autumn of three East German Federal States to choose. Not the CDU argue against the AfD, would Kramp playful-cart-Builder credit already.

New focus

Two and a half priorities prescribed by the CDU leader of your party, so for the First: you should care about convincing to the of internal security and the enforcement power of the state, especially in the asylum policy. You need to stimulate the economy more strongly – and also with all sorts of attention and care to the beleaguered East German soul pet.

For the first theme has loaded Kramp-Karrenbauer, the CDU is already at a two-day summit, where Merkel’s refugee policy, critical of processed. The professionals of the party should not look back only, but especially the reality check and look to the future. In what areas, what specific improvements are needed?

The Chancellor consciously to the side

Since the growth will slow down and possible trade wars, Germany is a particular threat, sees Kramp-Karrenbauer, the time has come to relieve the burden on businesses and citizens-tax-deductible – more than the coalition contract with the SPD.

With two accents Kramp-Karrenbauer, Merkel is emancipated, as the desire’s successor. The Chancellor will not just happen, but occurs even aware of. At the summit, where their refugee policy is judged not to be part of, to allow, supposedly a freimütigere debate. Instead, they focused increasingly on the work of its government and foreign policy. Merkel pulls back virtually to the role of a non-partisan “President.”

And then Chancellor?

Is prepared behind the Scenes, perhaps a change in the Chancellery? Such speculations are circulating since last autumn, but are not in the meantime become much more likely. At Maischberger wich Kramp-Karrenbauer even the question of whether she wanted to be Chancellor, persistently.

Merkel and Kramp-Karrenbauer know that a premature Chancellor change would be politically and Constitution do not legally much more difficult, as the many imagine. The CDU should replace after lost elections the Chancellor, or the SPD, for their part want to leave the coalition, should it come to elections as to a fast freestyle Kramp cart Builder.

And whether the new CDU leader in this situation could be the Chancellor candidate of the Union, is in the stars. Wolfgang Schäuble has hinted at, such as Merz and CSU chief Söder already, that the cards could then be shuffled once again.

For Kramp-Karrenbauer is 2019, a year of the examination. Their own popularity and rising values of their party promise to a good Start. In politics, the truth lies but in the end, always in the ballot box.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 31.01.2019, 19:12 PM