“”Let’s dance”-profile in pengabråk with A-Teens-the star”

“Dermot Clemengers companies lose litigation”

“It started as a cooperation. But the atmosphere between Dermot Clemenger and Sara Lumholdt quickly became infected. “

“Now convicted the company, where the ”Let’s dance”-the profile is a part owner in to pay the damages.”

“”Let’s dance”-profile Dermot Clemengers, 45, company Clemenger Dance AB has lost in court against the Pr Polefitness, the company that Sara Lumholdt, 34, was with and started, together with his colleague Ida Rosén, 33.”

“According to the agreement received the Clemengers dance school to use the courseware as A-teens-the star has been taken up to her, and Ida rosén’s own poledanceutbildning.”

“our Cooperation started in 2013 and, according to Ida Rosen, a conflict arose after they presented a list of demands for the education. Requirements such as ”Let’s dance”-profile refused to go on.”

” Our ambition has been to raise the standard in muay thai and then worked a lot with the details. Among other things, that the rods you use should be the fixed version. We put forward these requests and kvalitetsförändringarna that we strive for, but then they would not longer be with, ” says Ida Rosén.”

“According to Rosén ended Clemenger then respond, but continued to use the coursework at their own dance school.”

“Convicted for copyright infringement”

“the Conflict the dancers in between has been going on for over three years, something that the Ida Rosén describes as terribly frustrating. In the end, decided Flow Polefitness to file a lawsuit against the company where the Clemenger is the co-owner and now judgment had fallen.”

“the Company is sentenced to pay a total of 20 250 sek plus interest, for copyright infringement.”

“If the company still continues to make use of the course material, they can be forced to pay 100 000 sek in penalty.”

“Flow Polefitness claimed nearly 52,000 kronor in damages, but could only prove that the company made use of the material in the spring of 2016.”

“– It is only then we had the witnesses, ” says Ida Rosén.”

“”An attempt to get rid of us””

“But, Dermot Clemenger shares not Ida rosén’s picture of how it all has gone to. He calls the dispute ”lengthy and unsuccessful attempt to get rid of us as competitors”, in a text message to Nöjesbladet.”

“He believes that the conflict is based on Flow Polefitness wanted to have exclusivity on poledancingmarknaden and that is why they chose to make the notification.”

“That his company now will be sentenced for copyright infringement is because according to him, in a vague agreement.”

“”We think that we have paid for the courseware that has been used by us in accordance with the agreement and not have been prevented by the use of the material when the relationship ended,” he writes.”

“Dermot: It is not true”

“he would have avoided Sara Lumholdt and Ida Rosén is also not true according to him.”

“We had a tentatively scheduled meeting in order to discuss the requirements that were not included in the cooperation agreement. The meeting avbokades of them, whereupon the said cooperation. Shortly thereafter, they opened their own business in the same city and opened at the same time a dispute with the us.””

“Ida Rosén says that Clemenger, with the experience he has, should have been able to take forward a private basis instead of ”steal from others”.”

“– In the right pressed the much on the its long experience, and the like, but none of it was associated with poledancing. It’s a bit like if someone danced breakdance in 30 years would brag about it in a trial whether ballet. “

“”I am incredibly proud of the material I and Ida have created during all these years and think it is sad that it would end this way,” writes Sara Lumholdt in an email to Nöjesbladet and confirms at the same time that she is no longer a partner in Flow Polefitness.”

“Clarification: the text has been clarified to Dermot Clemenger is co-owner of the dance school.”