“The EU forms group to resolve the crisis in Venezuela,”

“the EU has agreed to form a group together with several south american countries in order to find a solution to the Venezuelan political crisis.”

“the News coming from the EU utrikeschef Federica Mogherini after a meeting of ministers in the Romanian capital city of Bucharest.”

“Group, where the Uk, Germany, France, Bolivia and Ecuador included, want new elections are announced in the country, but will be dissolved after 90 days if no progress is reached. Mogherini says in this case that it could mean further sanctions from the EU, writes the news agency Reuters.”

“Minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S) describe the meeting as good and constructive in a statement.”

“Wallström writes that the foreign ministers expressed their support to the national assembly as the country’s only democratic institution and to its leader, Juan Guaidó who declared himself interim president.”