“The lawyer advice: do not Pay!”

“To get the right to parkeringsbolaget is not the easiest. It requires clear documentation and feel free to any witness. It says Martin Elfver, a lawyer at the Motormännen, with great experience of parkeringsärenden.”

“– But the most important advice is not to pay!”

“Martin Elfvers call applies only to a type of parkeringsärenden, he stresses.”

“At the unauthorized parking on the land for streets reads, the opposing council.”

“– Then you are obligated to pay even if you appeal to the police and eventually to the district court. Then get the money back if it wins.”

“”a plain account””

“At the unauthorized parking on private land, shopping and leisure complexes, supermarkets, car parks and the like, it is in a completely different way. Here, the land owner often hired a private parking for operating and monitoring the parking lot. On the bot it says not felparkeringsavgift without the inspection fee.”

“– An inspection fee on private land is, in principle, that the account at any time. You have got a and do not consider you guilty, do not pay. Rather than contesting it to the one who has exhibited it.”

“the inspection fee is a fee that a landowner may take out of any breach of the parking regulations applicable at the site – but only under the condition that it is clearly signposted and that the rules are easy to understand for the individual.”

“If you can’t pay and instead to appeal the fine is the worst that can happen is that it is added to a collection fees.”

“– It’s not huge money, maybe 150 sek. In particular, there will be no credit history as long as you are careful to contest. And it should be happy to do writing, so you can attach the documentation, and the like. Then indrivningsbolaget not apply if the order for payment.”

“the Case with Håkan lundin’s Swedish parking ticket describes the Swedish Automobile lawyer as ”fundamentally interesting”.”

“– who had been up in court that I know of has been about double the p-discs or duplicate tickets. Do not believe that it tested, if it is about a record and a ticket. It is difficult to say whether it will make any difference or not.”

“”Document about the” possible”

“– But it would be interesting to see if the court considers that it is sufficiently clear, that they should have looked at the ticket in place of the disc. There should not be any big advantage of the confusion, ” says Martin Elfver, which at the same time spreading the word about that it comes to play its cards right if you take the conflict in a parkeringsärende.”

“– take a Look at the bill to see what it is that parkeringsbolaget believe that you did wrong. And then you get the extent you believe it is possible to document or see if there is any witness who can speak for your cause. It can be to photograph the p-ticket is how it was, preferably before you move the car.”

“Are words against words, it is not easy to win the case.”

“– So the longer parkeringsvakterna filled in the coupon in a good way, it has a very strong probative value. It will take a lot to to the right to go against, even if the parking officer says not to have any memory of the event.”

“the Companies have large routine”

“unlike felparkeringsavgifter there is no instance to dispute the fees payable in. If you are unable to reach a settlement with the parkeringsbolaget or its agent, often a debt collection agency, the next step is to turn to the district court and file a lawsuit.”

“– It costs 450 sek. Sometimes parkeringsbolaget claim that they want to have a legal representative as a member of the public may pay if he or she loses the case. But the right tend to be cold-hearted to it, then you mean that the companies have so much routine in this type of cases.”

“– But it is clear that it still is stressful to pursue a case. Therefore, it is much better if you do not pay, if it considers itself to have followed the parking regulations on private land. Then it will be in place parkeringsbolaget that may sue you.”