“Cancer patients should never have to pay 70 000 a month,”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“in Order to save lives needs health care resources.”

“the Worst is the news that the cancer has spread. Then you do almost anything to stop the disease.”

“Friends affected have desperately googled on foreign clinics and new methods in order to find the best treatment.”

“One of the more successful clinics is located in Stockholm. On the private Christinakliniken treated patients with checkpointhämmare that tricks the body’s immune system to attack the cancer cells. It is a therapy that revolutionized the treatment of advanced skin cancer.”

“It has also been shown to be effective in other cancers.”

“Christinakliniken is a lifeline for many difficult cancer, but the treatment is extremely expensive. The patient must himself pay 70 000 dollars a month to get immunterapin.”

“the price Tag on life”

“It may take a couple of years before treatment can be given at regular out-patient cancer centres. First, the needs of Sweden’s Municipalities and County councils, SKL, to come to a national recommendation. It required a health economic assessment. There must be put a price tag on each human life.”

“But the treatment is available and it has proven to be effective. During the last year, six cancer patients 70 000 a month in order to get the life-saving care.”

“to get away as much money the patient must have a good health insurance or a hefty fortune. Poor reference is made to the usual cancerkön where patients may die.”

“According to the standard for bladder cancer should it take 37 days between the discovery of blood in the urine and surgery. At Skåne university hospital, the waiting time rather been 160 days. The long queue time is suspected to have caused the deaths of four patients ‘ death. Cases are notified according to the lex Maria.”

“Next year will be opened on the private Perituskliniken in Lund. ”One of the country’s most modern and best-equipped clinics” will focus on patients with cancer of the bladder and the prostate.”

“On the Peritusklinikens website, I read that the goal is shorter wait times and reduced anxiety for patients who ”can either stand for the cost of treatment themselves, or through their private health insurance.””

“Already in the day, anxious patients to go to Doctares private cancer hospital in Helsinki. The patients who buy themselves ahead in the queue offers a flexible installment with the help of Nordea Finance. For example, the costs of a treatment of the prostate just under 400 000 Swedish kronor.”

“I’m not going to judge the people with cancer who are purchasing their treatment. If someone in my vicinity needed medical care, I would empty the bank account and mortgage the home. I would beg and crowdfunda and do everything to get together the money.”

“Yet I become so offended by that. We have an unequal care, where those who have money can buy healthy, while others are left in the worst case die.”

“Inequality begins already at the health center where 70 per cent of all cancers detected. It has a good health center with a doctor has better chances than the one who constantly hits new hyrläkare.”

“health Care is different depending on where you live, what gender you are, how much money you have, where you were born, how old you are and what funktionsvariationer you have.”

“the most Important thing for a country is that the inhabitants may live, yet Stefan Löfven long chosen to view health care as a cost issue. It is only now that we have got a minister of social affairs, with primary responsibility for health care.”

“Lena Hallengren has a great responsibility and she must go far back in time to find good role models. Gustav Möller, Sven Aspling and Sten Andersson was the social affairs ministers who dared to fight for more money for health care. Must now Lena Hallengren show that the minister of social affairs is at least as important as the minister of finance.”

“In his government declaration announced Stefan Löfven more money to cancer care and they will be needed. Shall we save the lives of humans must care get completely different resources. Then, we cannot afford more tax cuts.”