the Newspaper reported yesterday, it took over three months from Jensen got to know that Njåstad had leaked information about whistleblowers to partikolleger, that he withdrew from his advanced position as a fiscal spokesperson and deputy of the stortingsgruppa.

When the case cracked this week was the conservative party leader, evident in their comments:

he Had not drawn himself, I had made sure it was so, said Jensen to NRK.

So why put the progress party-leader tilsyneltende on their hands from October to January, without having to act? Dagbladet has received the following explanation from Siv Jensen, via her secretary of state, Atle Simonsen:

– I emphasized in the meeting 19. October that the case was serious, but also that the case had to be treated completed before the conclusion of the consequences were drawn. Organisasjonsutvalget was done with her treatment in December, ” says Jensen.

preliminary orientation

She emphasizes that she only received a preliminary briefing on the case from the organiasjonsutvalget, like the rest of the central executive committee.

-In the next sentralstyremøte 18. December was the selection done with his treatment of the case, and we were informed about Njåstad had resigned from the central executive committee, ” she says.

On the question of why Njåstad first in January resigned from his toppverv in Parliament, she displays that this occurred on the first gruppemøtet after the christmas holidays, the 29. January.

Helge André Njåstads creative reiseregningsvirksomhet stinks Comment Applies to “a handful of cases”

Njåstad was the leader of the progress party’s organisasjonsutvalg in six years until last fall. Organisasjonsutvalget handles matters where there has been a breach of the conservative party’s ethical regulations, and it was information from “a handful” of such cases Njåstad shared with a colleague.

I had a need to get some other eyes on difficult cases. When you have dilemmas to take a position, it can be okay to discuss with someone you are comfortable with. I shouldn’t have done it, and I should not have shared documents. It was poor judgment, ” said Njåstad to NRK.

Njåstad, says to Dagbladet that the information was shared with one partifelle, and that she did not go further with the information.

Demanding year

– I’m keen to clean up the mistakes I have made, and learn as a human being of the mistakes I have made. I said sorry on the gruppemøtet that I have put the party in the situation. It is difficult to say to their colleagues such things, but I take responsibility. I have no desire to explain away, ” says Njåstad to the Newspaper.

Njåstad got earlier this month a lot of criticism for having combined vacations with the political meetings, which meant that he could claim reimbursement of the expenses from the Parliament.

It has been a demanding year, hopefully it provides me with experience that will put me in a position to take better decisions to come, ” says Njåstad.

Withdraws from all positions