Germany is a democracy. Interest groups in the media and in society, what are the most pressing, Yes: the survival questions of our time and where to stand to have. Often, the obvious questions are no longer asked at all, because an alleged majority already knows before the examination of the facts, who are the Goodies and who are the Evil, what is right and what is wrong.

Why not demonstrate to students outside of the classroom?

Why, for example, children and young people who come citing the dangers of climate change in the school strike, as the heroes shown? Why not demonstrate on afternoon a week, and the teachers ‘ time to learn something about climate changes, their causes, and how to deal with them effectively.

The student strike is just as little effect on global climate change like a German-barbecue ban, or the demonization of meat consumption. Add to this the damage. The missed lesson had meaning and value and is now lost.

coal exit: you Can not use the 90 billion to be more effective?

With climate change can be justified today, almost anything, even a nonsensical waste of national wealth, the Coal phase-out, which would anyway come to a few years is preferable. 90 billion euros of the costs, according to estimates. A huge sum! Why no one asks the question: How and where would you invest 90 billion euros, if the goal would be to achieve the greatest possible reduction of the drivers of climate change?

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On Saturday, the deadline for the rescue of one of the most important disarmament treaties for Germany ends: the ban on nuclear medium-range weapons with a range of 500 to 5500 kilometers. According to the dominant Tenor Donald Trump is to blame, because he wants to terminate the contract. It would not have to go only once to the charge that the new Russian cruise missiles in Kaliningrad and elsewhere in violation of the INF Treaty? Who seriously believes that they can fly more than 480 kilometers, as Moscow claims?

Which missiles are a threat to Germany: Russian or American?

Even more strange is that the closest question for the position of education hardly plays a role. Who and what is a threat to the German: Russian or American nuclear weapons?

Why meet China and be IT giant Huawei to understanding with your lawsuit, you do not exclude may Huawei in the Development of the 5G mobile network? Security experts warn of the possibility of built-in spy tools in Huawei technology, combined with the note, in China, companies would have to cooperate with the state intelligence services.

Why not attract German companies tenders in China?

another obvious question: Why Germany is in the case of tenders of this magnitude for public goods, not on reciprocity, and that it will only accept companies from States with their large-scale projects also in public tender and foreign companies allow?

The psychology behind the widespread attitudes: Between weather and climate is only rarely made a difference. Good will (attitude) is supposedly more important than the real Benefits of an intervention (facts). Trump is many German unsympathetic. On Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, less emotions. You are the most indifferent; some feel even admiration for authoritarian leaders. And yet: Why citizens mistrust the own elites and intelligence services or Nato that Germany protects more than the potential opponents, be it in the technical, economic, or military?

If emotions prevent practical questions, displace real damage

students ‘ strike, coal exit, disarmament, security: If emotional or ideological attitudes, the obvious questions according to their own interests and the practical Use, is not only intellectually unfortunate because of the missed realization of profit. It is real damage. Companies misjudge their interests, the pressure of public opinion leads to the misallocation of political power and economic resources.

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EU summit to Brexit Only hope is to

Christoph von Marschall

Then remain urgent tasks, for which progress would be possible, because of the politics and society of the time and resources for a secondary or redundant projects or ineffective approaches wasting. What could the EU, if it were not blocked by the wilful delay of the Brexit negotiations. And what could be in the area of climate protection, if all of the focus on the proposals that the measurable Benefits on a global scale.