Tesla has completed by the end of the year although the second quarter in a row with a profit. At the same time, the electric car has earned Bauer but less than expected – and the Exodus of leaders in the company goes on, what fails on the mood of investors. Tesla’s CFO Deepak Ahuja will leave the company, informed the chief Elon Musk yesterday. The shares fell after the close of trading, up nearly 6 percent.

Tesla recently suffered from a Manager of Exodus. In addition to the accounting boss, who left after only a month back, there was the news Agency Bloomberg, according to many retirements in the Finance team. Also, Ahuja is leaving Tesla for the second Time: Already in 2015, he was retired. At the time, he was one of the managers, the goods have been longest on Board. 2017 Ahuja came back to Tesla, when then-chief financial officer Jason Wheeler, resigned abruptly.


The 56-year-old Ahuja led the company through some difficult periods, his loss is for the electric car maker painful. Now a much younger Manager assumes his Position: the 34-year-old Zack Kirkhorn. He joined, according to his Linkedin profile in the year 2010, Tesla and currently holds the Position of Deputy chief financial officers. Before Tesla, he worked as a Business Analyst at the consulting firm McKinsey and holds an MBA from the prestigious Harvard Business School.

He is one of the youngest chief financial officers of large U.S. companies. The news Agency Bloomberg called for a McKinsey-groomed Millennial CFO. Even younger, the chief financial officer of Kraft Heinz Company, David button, who took over in 2017 at the age of 29, this Position.

In a telephone conference joked Tesla boss Elon Musk, that the years I spent Kirkhorn at Harvard, had not been necessary. Musk had previously said that he didn’t care whether candidates have a University degree or a high school diploma. “Zach is very talented and has much contributed to Tesla over the years,” said Musk, adding that his new CFO had been recognized in his Team.

tough questions

Others questioned whether the use of Kirkhorn would bring Tesla more. Ahuja is the main contact person for the car was mobile analysts and wall street, writes the Investment specialist Jim Collins in “Forbes”magazine. The new chief financial officer Kirkhorn don’t have the stuff to keep the confidence of wall street. And this is particularly important in a time, in the Tesla, both from the Department of justice and the U.S. securities and exchange Commission will be examined. A former Tesla employee told the US broadcaster CNBC, Musk had previously ignored at least once Kirkhorns prudent Empfehlunen about the finances.

The departure of Finance Directors will also always be uncomfortable questions, writes Collins in “Forbes”. Why the Person leaves, the company now? There are secrets? The Person knows more about the finances, with which you did not feel? In addition, a further control instance of the Elon Musk way is with Ahujas outlet, criticized Collins. Ahuja’ve at least had experience in the automotive business. Musk reported on the new Board of Directors President Robyn Denholm, who have no experience in the area. “It is now Elon’s Show,” says Collins. This could mean nothing Good for Tesla shares.

control instances for Musk are not unimportant – he is regarded as a difficult and eccentric boss. On Twitter he with the securities and exchange Commission, smokes during Interviews, Joints, and sends regularly with provocative actions, the share price of his company on the mountain and valley journey.

Less had been known to Tesla, to have in the final quarter of 2018, with a profit earned-than-expected

After the close of trading on Wednesday. The electric car maker still earned less than expected. In the three months to the end of December, a gain of 139,5 million Dollar the bottom line is that, after an increase of 311.5 million dollars in the third quarter.

Also in the current year, Tesla wants to make in every single quarter of profits. The hope Model 3, the company dampened expectations. The production target of more than 500’000 units per year will probably be achieved only between the fourth quarter of 2019 and the second quarter of 2020. It was originally designed for 2018 pursued. For Tesla the future is vital, whether it is the group’s continued ability to produce for a mass market.

in mid-January announced by Tesla in the loss of around 3,000 jobs. Last October, the company had estimated the number of employees with 45’000. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 31.01.2019, 17:39 PM