“Lack of sleeping pills is concerned: People are desperate”

“Imovane end pharmacy”

“the Drug Imovane, which deals with the temporary insomnia, is an end to several of the nation’s pharmacies.”

“A new shipment is expected at the earliest in the end of march, which created concern among several users.”

“– Many are really desperate, ” says a reader of Aftonbladet. “

“Several people have in recent weeks heard of Aftonbladet and testified that the drug Imovane, which deals with the temporary insomnia, is an end to several of the nation’s pharmacies.”

“A person who works within the health care system testify to the problems. “

“– Many are really desperate, tells her to Aftonbladet. “

“A woman says to Aftonbladet that she feels stressed over the fact that it is the end of the year.”

“– It feels totally sick. I was both shocked and pissed when I could not download.”

“A man says he instead of Imovane had a similar preparations printed but that he reacted poorly.”

“– I have had to be at home for several days from work that I don’t feel well.”

the “1 million have insomnia.”

“Around 1 million swedes eat in the day different types of sleeping pills. That there is a great shortage of Imovane, whose active ingredient is zopiclone, confirmed by the Fda.”

“– It is true that both the 5 milligrams and 7.5 milligrams packaging is the end of the 30-pack, ” says gruppchefen Johan Andersson.”

“According to information Fda has received from the companies is expected the next shipment to come in end of march and beginning of april.”

“At present, there is still a small amount of 100-pack left.”

“– But how long it lasts depends entirely on the demand, “says Johan Andersson”

“In cases where the medicinal product is sold out can a single person be forced to seek a new care contact – despite the fact that you already have received a prescription written out.”

” the medication is a prescription, and we at the Fda do not give advice in individual cases. But what we can say is that in case of temporary lack of sleep are other options to get but this is something you need to discuss with their health care providers.”

“Further explains Johan Andersson that the process to manufacture a medicinal product is complex and consists of a range of actors in a long chain.”

“now, What made that Imovane is to a large part is sold out has the Fda not currently any specific information but they have contacted companies to get a clearer picture. “

“– Pharmaceutical companies have an obligation to notify us two months before if it could be a restsituation but it is not always you can predict this, ” says Johan Andersson.”

“He says that you informed the manufacturing companies about the possibilities to seek a waiver in order to be able to sell foreign packs with the same active substance in Sweden.”

“– It is the companies themselves who are applying for a waiver. We can’t force them to do so but only inform them about the opportunity, ” explains Johan Andersson.”

“Many are now worried that people will start to trade drugs on the black market or take to drugs and alcohol instead. How do you see it?”

“– What we can say is that our advice is to get in touch with their healthcare providers. There are other options for just this problem, ” says Johan Andersson.”

“According to sömnforskaren Torbjörn Åkerstedt, the lack of Imovane and other medications lead to people getting even worse sleep than before. “

“– No one can say exactly what the impact will be when many people are in need of different sleeping pills. Both to sleep better but also because it is a security to have. When it is not possible to get hold of so increases the stress and the worry which can lead to more sleep problems. “

“However, says Torbjörn Åkerstedt, to the lack, in spite of everything may have some positive effect.”

“– These drugs can be difficult to stop, since they easily become addictive, and if it is not possible to get hold of so you might discover that you do not need it. But I think it applies to a small part. Most will probably not feel so good of this. “