For the Zurich-based SVP a turbulent selection process. Neither the city of Zurich’s police officer son, and small business owners Alfred army still the intellectual, Journalist and publisher, Roger Köppel . And so it comes to a duel between the two national councils. Who’s going to be for the party in the next autumn Council of States a candidate? And against the two popular officers Daniel Jositsch (SP) and Ruedi Noser (FDP)? Köppel has the support of Christoph Blocher, the army is anchored to the base better. He is regarded as “one of us”.

in Addition, complicated the selection is, because Christoph has been thinking Blocher, according to a double candidacy. His proposal: Köppel could compete as President of the Committee “EU-No” in the name of a non-partisan Committee. And the army as the official SVP candidate. In fact, this would run on a SVP dual candidacy. Köppel took over the Bureau of the Committee at the beginning of the year of Blocher. It is officially non-partisan. Decide on the name and the tactics of the SVP delegates at the 3. April.

“My candidacy is not against koeppel” ^

At the request of Alfred, the army said yesterday: “My candidacy is not against Roger Köppel, but for the Canton of Zurich.” He wanted to leave the party with his decision, “all of the tactical options open”. “If I would not make myself available, would be a double-candidacy is probably doomed.” Alfred “Fredy” the army is cross-linked in the Canton and Berne. He was for eleven years a member of the Parliament, the last years of group President, party President, and in the national Council, he was Chairman of the GPK and the Council of Europe delegation. “I know the needs of the cantonal transport, infrastructure, financial compensation, airport well”, said Heer.

Alfred Heer, has informed on Thursday evening of its competitors, Roger Köppel. Köppel had always emphasized that he found Heer’s candidacy “great”, as well as a double candidacy: “After four years of EU-Turbo of the Duo Nositsch it would be well tolerated and a double occupation of Zurich “EU-No”representatives in the Council of States,” said Köppel yesterday evening. At present, only the Canton of Schwyz offers two SVP-Ständeräte and the Valais, two from the CVP.

The “Duo Nositsch”

First hostile to a double candidacy, the Zurich SVP-President Konrad long and hard, but then gradually Liked found had expressed. The SVP is not represented with the resignation of Hans Hofmann for twelve years in the Council of States. Neither Christoph Blocher even Ueli Maurer had a Chance. The Ständeräte Noser and Jositsch the SVP is a thorn in the eye. Party President long and hard, described the two as “the Duo Nositsch”, which in Europe is a heart issue and a soul. The two would be represented in respect of the EU “hardly the opinion of the majority in the Canton of Zürich”, as long hard.

He has already calculated that The SVP made at the last national Council elections in the Canton of Zurich 30.3 percent. SP and FDP come together to 35.9 percent. Since it was not for the SVP is not arrogant, “with a similarly great force, two of the candidates.” The aim of the SVP, the “undivided state voice”. This was earlier sought from the SVP and the FDP in the fight against an SP candidate.

army was caught off guard by Köppel

The Kandidatenkür the SVP from the beginning under tension. In the autumn the army had announced that he wanted the Council of States. Then koeppel struck back on the first working day of the year. Without informing the party leadership and his colleagues at an early stage, he presented at a media conference at the Schweizerhof as a councillor candidate. The army, after all, the current campaign Manager, was caught off guard. And party President Langharts leadership in public doubt.

Whether Köppel, army or double candidature: Mathematically, the chances of the SVP. In the case of a majority vote, the candidate needs votes from other parties. The SVP only with non-partisan popular personalities, such as the government Council Ernst Stocker. But don’t want to.


Created: 31.01.2019, 21:52 PM